Hear from University of California, Merced’s Laxmi Pandey and Ahmed Sabbir Arif on their SIGGRAPH 2021 Posters research and how it contributes to accessible communication.
Deep learning
We’re One Step Closer to Consumer-accessible Immersive Teleportation
22 October 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Industry Leaders, Real-Time
Resesarchers from Pinscreen and USC ICT discuss their award-winning, deep-learning-based approach for immersive teleportation from SIGGRAPH 2020 Real-Time Live!.
Change Your Tune at the Touch of a Dial
9 October 2019 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Education, Emerging Technologies
Find out how Mozart’s dice game inspired SIGGRAPH 2019 Emerging Technologies project, “Melody Slot Machine.”
Regional Snapshot: Computer Graphics in Europe (Part II)
18 January 2018 • by ACM SIGGRAPHACM SIGGRAPH, Augmented Reality, Emerging Technologies, Research, Simulation, Virtual Reality, Visual Effects
By Jessica Sommerville In part one of our regional snapshot of CG in Europe, we discussed the current production and work climate of the industry in this region. Enjoy the second part of our take on CG in Europe, where we will explore the current industry and...
The Magic Behind Spatial Control in AR
2 November 2021 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAugmented Reality, Awards, Conferences, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Research
Creator Daiki Taniguchi shares insights on the features involved in making “Garage: GPU Particle-based AR Content for Futuristic Experiences”.
Interacting With AI ‘Inside the Classification Cube’
5 May 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Research
Go behind the scenes of SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Papers selection “Inside the Classification Cube: An Intimate Interaction With an AI System.” Researcher Avital Meshi shares how she explored one of society’s most frequently asked questions using artificial intelligence.
Using AI to Generate Images, the GauGAN Journey
29 August 2019 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Real-Time
NVIDIA Research shares the steps it took to develop the deep learning-based, real-time image generating tool, GauGAN.
‘I am AI’ Seeks to Make Video Conferencing Better
12 October 2021 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAwards, Conferences, Industry Leaders, Real-Time
Learn more about NVIDIA’s “I am AI”, a new deep learning-based system that allows anyone to synthesize animated digital avatars for video conferencing.
Top 10 SIGGRAPH Stories of 2019
2 January 2020 • by ACM SIGGRAPHACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences
Our editors reflect on a banner year of stories with a roundup of 2019’s “most read” news from the ACM SIGGRAPH Blog.
Behind ‘Terra Mars’ With Weili Shi
14 May 2019 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Research
Rendering of the western hemisphere of "Terra Mars" generation 65, centered at the enormous canyon system Valles Marineris, also featuring some or Mar's tallest mountains. (© Weili Shi. Clouds texture credit: NASA) "Terra Mars: When Earth Shines on Mars through AI's...