
Deep learning

‘A Means to Speak’: Capturing Acoustic Information Through Real-time MRI

‘A Means to Speak’: Capturing Acoustic Information Through Real-time MRI

Hear from University of California, Merced’s Laxmi Pandey and Ahmed Sabbir Arif on their SIGGRAPH 2021 Posters research and how it contributes to accessible communication.

Regional Snapshot: Computer Graphics in Europe (Part II)

Regional Snapshot: Computer Graphics in Europe (Part II)

By Jessica Sommerville In part one of our regional snapshot of CG in Europe, we discussed the current production and work climate of the industry in this region. Enjoy the second part of our take on CG in Europe, where we will explore the current industry and...

Interacting With AI ‘Inside the Classification Cube’

Interacting With AI ‘Inside the Classification Cube’

Go behind the scenes of SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Papers selection “Inside the Classification Cube: An Intimate Interaction With an AI System.” Researcher Avital Meshi shares how she explored one of society’s most frequently asked questions using artificial intelligence.

Top 10 SIGGRAPH Stories of 2019

Top 10 SIGGRAPH Stories of 2019

Our editors reflect on a banner year of stories with a roundup of 2019’s “most read” news from the ACM SIGGRAPH Blog.

Behind ‘Terra Mars’ With Weili Shi

Behind ‘Terra Mars’ With Weili Shi

Rendering of the western hemisphere of "Terra Mars" generation 65, centered at the enormous canyon system Valles Marineris, also featuring some or Mar's tallest mountains. (© Weili Shi. Clouds texture credit: NASA) "Terra Mars: When Earth Shines on Mars through AI's...
