Older Entries

Teaching Culturally Relevant STEAM Concepts through XR

Teaching Culturally Relevant STEAM Concepts through XR

Curious how to use XR in your classroom? We caught up with contributors to the SIGGRAPH 2020 Birds of a Feather session “Making XR a Reality for Teaching Culturally Relevant STEAM Concepts” to learn more about their backgrounds and what led them to collaborate.

Production Perseveres Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Production Perseveres Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hear from the discussion leaders of SIGGRAPH 2020’s “Overcoming production hurdles in CG industry in the age of social distancing” session and discover their thoughts on filmmaking during a pandemic.

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Heart and ‘Soul’ of Pixar’s Latest Feature

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Heart and ‘Soul’ of Pixar’s Latest Feature

Pixar’s Michael Fong and Bill Watral share how they created the characters of “Soul,” the contrast between the settings of New York City and the astral world of the Great Beyond, the most impactful scenes, and what it was like to wrap a film while working remotely during the pandemic.
