Lecturers of 2020 SIGGRAPH Labs workshop “//makeMeaning: Designing Objects With a Data Materialization Workflow” Courtney Starrett and Susan Reiser share how participants can expect to get “hands on” in the virtual classroom.
‘Story-Go-Round’: Embracing Ambiguity by Integrating Art and Design
21 July 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Augmented Reality, Conferences, Design, Education, Students
The creators behind “Story-Go-Round”, a SIGGRAPH 2020 Talks and Groovy Graphics selection, discuss their inspiration, ideation, and implementation.
‘Cacophonic Choir’, the Sounds of Survivors’ Stories
12 June 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Design, Real-Time
The “Cacophonic Choir” team breaks down how they use machine learning to demonstrate the effect of the mass media on sexual assault survivors’ stories.
Techno and Smooth Jazz and Hard Rock… Oh My! The Visuals of ‘Trolls World Tour’
19 May 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Film, Production, Visual Effects
“Trolls World Tour”, one of the first on-demand releases during the COVID-19 pandemic, has taken homes worldwide by storm. We connected with the creators to learn how this unique animated film came together.
Interacting With AI ‘Inside the Classification Cube’
5 May 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Research
Go behind the scenes of SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Papers selection “Inside the Classification Cube: An Intimate Interaction With an AI System.” Researcher Avital Meshi shares how she explored one of society’s most frequently asked questions using artificial intelligence.
‘Homeostasis’ and Human Interference
30 April 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Art, Conferences, Data, Design, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Visual Effects
In SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Gallery selection, “Homeostasis,” Emil Polyak uses complex coding and development to narrate the human impact on climate change, as told by data.
The Impact of Sound on Surroundings
21 April 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Art, Conferences, Design, Interactive Techniques, Virtual Reality
Victoria Vesna explores the process and challenges for her SIGGRAPH 2019 installation, “Noise Aquarium,” and how artists and researchers can pivot their work to adjust to COVID-19.
SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 33 – Interactive and Immersive Art
13 March 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAdaptive Technology, Art, Augmented Reality, Conferences
On an all-new episode of SIGGRAPH Spotlight, Andres Burbano is joined by Rachel Dickey, Sandro Kereselidze, and Marc Petz to discuss the current landscape of interactive and immersive art.
Experience Hall: Where Does Your Project Fit?
8 January 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAdaptive Technology, Art, Augmented Reality, Conferences, Education, Emerging Technologies, Gaming, Interactive Techniques, Mobile, Software, Virtual Reality
A SIGGRAPH guide to submitting your work for consideration to be included in the conference Experience Hall.
6 Interactive Art Exhibits in Washington, D.C.
17 December 2019 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences
As you prepare to share your innovative content with the SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Gallery, find inspiration in some of the current interactive exhibitions around Washington, D.C.
Behind the Magic of Netflix’s ‘Klaus’
12 December 2019 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Art, Film, Production, Visual Effects
Production Designers Szymon Biernacki and Marcin Jakubowski, of Netflix’s first original animated feature “Klaus,” discuss bringing the 2D-animated film to life.
Project Nira: Fostering Collaboration in 3D Design
6 November 2019 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Mobile, Production, Real-Time
Nira promotes collaboration, tracking, and organization for artists and designers sharing their 3D assets.