

‘A Means to Speak’: Capturing Acoustic Information Through Real-time MRI

‘A Means to Speak’: Capturing Acoustic Information Through Real-time MRI

Hear from University of California, Merced’s Laxmi Pandey and Ahmed Sabbir Arif on their SIGGRAPH 2021 Posters research and how it contributes to accessible communication.

Real-Time Live! Audience Choice Award Winner Talks One-woman Projects, Interactive Storytelling, and Corgis

Real-Time Live! Audience Choice Award Winner Talks One-woman Projects, Interactive Storytelling, and Corgis

SIGGRAPH 2020 contributor and award winner I Yosun Chang shares background on her projects — PaperMATA and DrawmaticAR — and discusses her process as a one-woman creator.

Revisit SIGGRAPH 2022 With the Roving Reporter Highlights

Revisit SIGGRAPH 2022 With the Roving Reporter Highlights

There was a new twist to SIGGRAPH 2022, and it was a live one! Our Roving Reporters hit the conference floor to interview industry experts and CG enthusiasts throughout the conference.

Celebrate International Coffee Day With Sugar and SIGGRAPH

Celebrate International Coffee Day With Sugar and SIGGRAPH

International Coffee Day has a whole new meaning among the SIGGRAPH community. Grab your favorite mug, pour your coffee, and watch SIGGRAPH Over Coffee on Instagram.

SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 37 – Age Manipulation in VFX

SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 37 – Age Manipulation in VFX

In this episode of the SIGGRAPH Spotlight podcast, visual effects (VFX) experts talk age manipulation on screen and how techniques have evolved.
