Battle Z © 2016 Fangwei Lee, Realiteer Corp. Akshay Agarwal is the SIGGRAPH 2016 Appy Hour chair and sat down with us to share the latest developments. SIGGRAPH 2016 (S2016): What is Appy Hour? Akshay Agarwal (AA): Appy Hour is a program at SIGGRAPH 2016 where...
Careers Start (and Grow) at SIGGRAPH
14 June 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesBusiness, Conferences, Students
As the premier showcase of computer graphics and interactive techniques, SIGGRAPH 2016 brings together a highly-talented and multi-disciplined audience from around the globe. . Networking opportunies abound, including at social events, through Birds of a Feather...
Learn, Research, Render: SIGGRAPH 2016 Talks & Panels
2 June 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Education, Research
Painting with Turbulance © 2016 Chuqiao Wang, Sam Wang, and Robert Geist, Clemson University The SIGGRAPH 2016 Advance Program is out and, with it, more in-depth previews of conference content are now available. Explore the links below for some highlights from the...
SIGGRAPH 2016 Technical Papers Preview
17 May 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Graphics, Industry Leaders, Interactive Techniques, Research
© 2016 Cornell University, Columbia University, and Stanford University The SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program is the premier international forum for disseminating new scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive techniques. The 2016 program includes both juried...
Virtual > Reality: VR Village at SIGGRAPH 2016
21 June 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAugmented Reality, Conferences, Virtual Reality
Immersive and Interactive Procedure-Training Simulator for High-Risk Power-Line Maintenance © 2016 Eduardo Zilles Borba, Marcio Cabral, Andre Montes, Olavo Belloc,Marcelo Zuffo: Universidade de São Paulo As the premier conference showcasing cutting-edge computer...
Highlights: SIGGRAPH 2016 Courses
9 June 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Conferences, Gaming, Graphics, Virtual Reality
Image credit: Geometric and Discrete Path Planning for Interactive Virtual Worlds © 2016 Marcelo Kallmann, University of California, Merced; Mubbasir Kapadia, Rutgers University SIGGRAPH 2016 attendees can expect to discover the computer graphics and interactive...
Preview: SIGGRAPH 2016 First-time Exhibitors
31 May 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAugmented Reality, Business, Conferences, Hardware, Software, Virtual Reality
SIGGRAPH 2016 is excited to announce that this year's Exhibition will be showcasing a large number of first-time exhibitors in 2016. Exhibitors are expected to showcase the latest in virtual reality (VR) and immersive technology, motion capture, rendering software,...
Explore Your Creative Side: Art at SIGGRAPH 2016
12 May 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Design, Research
© 2016 Misha Rabinovich, University of Massachusetts Lowell SIGGRAPH is the premier event for showcasing the cutting-edge research and innovation that drives computer graphics and interactive techniques, and the Art Gallery and Art Papers programs are designed to...
#SIGGRAPHchat – Women in Computer Graphics
16 June 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesACM SIGGRAPH, Animation, Graphics, Visual Effects
Join SIGGRAPH for our next Twitter chat on Wednesday, 22 June, at 2 pm PT. Once again, we'll use the #SIGGRAPHchat hashtag. Our topic this month will be Women in CG. Women are still a minority in many areas of computer graphics, games, and interactive technologies....
The Ever-Important SIGGRAPH Student Volunteer
7 June 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Students
Photo: Student Volunteer Subcomittee. From left: Emma Gauthier (Marketing Lead), Craig Harkness (Communications Lead), Muunuu Nandijav (Program Manager/2017 SV Chair), Christian Wittorf (2016 SV Program Chair), Fahad Haddad (Industry and Outreach Lead), Sarah Rust...
Join the SIGGRAPH Games Chat
19 May 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesBusiness, Conferences, Gaming, Mobile
Join SIGGRAPH for our first-ever Twitter chat on Wednesday, 25 May, at 11 am PT. We will be using the hashtag #SIGGRAPHchat and our topic will be games, including game trends, mobile gaming and career advice. You'll also get a peek at some of the games-related content...
Meet the Winner of the Spirit of SIGGRAPH Character Design Contest
10 May 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Art, Conferences, Design, Graphics, Virtual Reality
Design: courtesy of Mario R. Nagamura for SIGGRAPH 2016 SIGGRAPH 2016 invited artists and designers from around the world to create a character design that embodies the excitement and energy of the SIGGRAPH conference. Our winning “Spirit of SIGGRAPH” design was...