#SIGGRAPHchat – Women in Computer Graphics

by | 16 June 2016 | ACM SIGGRAPH, Animation, Graphics, Visual Effects

Women in CG SIGGRAPHchat

Join SIGGRAPH for our next Twitter chat on Wednesday, 22 June, at 2 pm PT. Once again, we’ll use the #SIGGRAPHchat hashtag.

Our topic this month will be Women in CG. Women are still a minority in many areas of computer graphics, games, and interactive technologies. But are we really working toward 50-50 in both industry and academia? Join us for a spirited discussion about careers and education opportunities in our industry; inspirations and role models; and some of the obstacles that can get in the way. All are welcome to participate.

This discussion will continue live at SIGGRAPH 2016 at the “50-50: Women in CG” discussion panel on 26 July at 1pm PT. Meanwhile, here are the details about the upcoming #SIGGRAPHchat:

When: Wednesday, 22 June 2016, 2 pm PT
Where: Twitter
Moderator: @siggraph
Hashtag: #SIGGRAPHchat

If you’re wondering about the “rules” for a Twitter chat, you can access them here! And if you’re interested in what transpired during May’s chat, check out the story on Storify.

See you for #SIGGRAPHchat on Wednesday, 22 June at 2 pm PT!

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