We sit down with the panelists from “More with Less: The State of the Art of CG In Advertising” to continue the conversation and expand on questions from the audience during SIGGRAPH 2020.
Folding@home: Citizen Scientists Gain Insight on COVID-19
28 May 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Research
As the COVID-19 pandemic makes waves around the world, Folding@home has emerged as a leader in researching a remedy.
‘Homeostasis’ and Human Interference
30 April 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Art, Conferences, Data, Design, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Visual Effects
In SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Gallery selection, “Homeostasis,” Emil Polyak uses complex coding and development to narrate the human impact on climate change, as told by data.
The Impact of Sound on Surroundings
21 April 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Art, Conferences, Design, Interactive Techniques, Virtual Reality
Victoria Vesna explores the process and challenges for her SIGGRAPH 2019 installation, “Noise Aquarium,” and how artists and researchers can pivot their work to adjust to COVID-19.
A Virtual Hello From OTOY: SIGGRAPH 2020 Update
9 September 2020 • by Jules UrbachConferences
OTOY Founder and CEO Jules Urbach shares insight into the company’s milestone releases: OctaneRender 2020, Octane X, and the RNDR Network.
Stay Inspired: Virtual VFX With SIGGRAPH Now
26 May 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Conferences, Film, Production, Visual Effects
Continue your online education with the SIGGRAPH Now lessons that explore the visual effects of “War for the Planet of the Apes,” “Coco,” and “Ralph Breaks the Internet.”
A statement on behalf of the SIGGRAPH 2020 conference.
24 April 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences
SIGGRAPH 2020 shares an update on conference planning as the team continues to monitor COVID-19: “As an event that celebrates a global community…”
Challenging Times Widen the Digital Divide
16 April 2020 • by JoAnne GreenEducation, Students
JoAnne Green, of the University of Pittsburgh, shares resources for educators during COVID-19 and insight on the digital divide in the U.S.
Save a Seat: SIGGRAPH 2020 Conference Announces Virtual Plans for August
24 June 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences
Originally planned to take place 19–23 July in Washington, D.C., the conference will shift to late summer, spanning two weeks from 17–28 August, with on-demand content available through 27 October.
Makelab: Manufacturing 3D-printed PPE for COVID-19
7 May 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesBusiness, Design, Emerging Technologies, Hardware, Software
Christina Perla, co-founder and CEO of Makelab, explains how the company has pivoted to 3D print PPE for essential workers fighting COVID-19 and what others can do to help.
Educators Share Tips for Remote Teaching
23 April 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesEducation, Students
Educators in the SIGGRAPH community share how they are utilizing technology and fostering engagement among students in a remote, virtual environment.
A Message from ACM SIGGRAPH President Jessica Hodgins
14 April 2020 • by ACM SIGGRAPHACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences, Graphics, Interactive Techniques
ACM SIGGRAPH President Jessica Hodgins shares a message for the computer graphics and interactive techniques community amid the COVID-19 global pandemic.