

MetaLimbs 2.0: Exploring Telepresence

MetaLimbs 2.0: Exploring Telepresence

Image credit: Fusion: Full Body Surrogacy for Collaborative Communication © 2018 Keio University Graduate School of Design, The University of Tokyo The Emerging Technologies displayed at SIGGRAPH 2018 will push the boundaries of human experience, the sense of self,...

Highlights from the SIGGRAPH 2018 Technical Papers Program

Highlights from the SIGGRAPH 2018 Technical Papers Program

Image: DeepMimic: Example-Guided Deep Reinforcement Learning of Physics-Based Character Skills. Courtesy of the authors: Xue Bin Peng, Pieter Abbeel,Sergey Levine,Michiel van de Panne   The SIGGRAPH 2018 Technical Papers program is the premier international forum...

Exploring New Possibilities: SIGGRAPH Posters

Exploring New Possibilities: SIGGRAPH Posters

In partnership with Microsoft, the ACM Student Research Competition — presented annually at the North American SIGGRAPH conference — is a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research before a panel of judges and attendees....

#SIGGRAPHchat: The Future of Storytelling

#SIGGRAPHchat: The Future of Storytelling

Join SIGGRAPH for our first #SIGGRAPHchat of 2018 on Thursday, 26 April, at 2 pm ET (1 pm CT, 11 am PT) on Twitter. We will be using the hashtag #SIGGRAPHchat and our topic will be the future of storytelling. If you're a part of the storytelling experience, whether...

Research Preview: SIGGRAPH 2018 Art Papers

Research Preview: SIGGRAPH 2018 Art Papers

Image credit: "Augmented Fauna and Glass Mutations: A Dialogue Between Material and Technique in Glassblowing and 3D Printing"  © 2018 City University of Hong Kong Artists, theorists, historians, and researchers alike submitted their contributions to the SIGGRAPH 2018...

The Educators Forum and ‘Groovy Graphics’ at SIGGRAPH 2018

The Educators Forum and ‘Groovy Graphics’ at SIGGRAPH 2018

Erik Brunvand is the Education Focus Area Chair for SIGGRAPH 2018. He shares his experience as a SIGGRAPH attendee and volunteer leader, and what's new and groovy for educators at this summer's conference, taking place 12-16 August, 2018 in Vancouver, British...

Regional Snapshot: Computer Graphics in Europe (Part II)

Regional Snapshot: Computer Graphics in Europe (Part II)

By Jessica Sommerville In part one of our regional snapshot of CG in Europe, we discussed the current production and work climate of the industry in this region. Enjoy the second part of our take on CG in Europe, where we will explore the current industry and...