The preview video for the SIGGRAPH Real-Time Live! content was just released and is available above. The program is the premier showcase for the latest trends and techniques for pushing the boundaries of interactive visuals. As part of the Computer Animation...
Computer Graphics
SIGGRAPH 2013 Highlights Accomplishments in Computer Graphics
25 June 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Graphics, Interactive Techniques
SIGGRAPH Dailies is a show celebrating excellence in computer graphics, showcasing images and short animations of extraordinary power and beauty. It is a fast-paced event where each presenter has less than two minutes to show an animation and describe their work....
Get Geeked! SIGGRAPH 2013 Releases Emerging Technologies Preview Video
24 June 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesGraphics, Interactive Techniques, Mobile, Research
SIGGRAPH 2013 just released its newest preview video ... .this one profiling the amazing experiences in Emerging Technologies. Learn how attendees will be able to interact with the latest systems before they become hot topics in mainstream media and blogs....
SIGGRAPH 2013 Unveils Riveting Final Lineup of Production Sessions
17 June 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Graphics, Industry Leaders, Interactive Techniques, Production
SIGGRAPH 2013, 21 -25 July at the Anaheim Convention Center in California, released the final lineup of 15 Production Sessions to be featured at this year’s conference. These Production Sessions are part of the overall Computer Animation Festival, which is open to...
SIGGRAPH 2013 Partners with Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for Keynote Session
14 June 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesGraphics, Industry Leaders
Please click to enlarge image.Marc DavisSIGGRAPH 2013 is pleased to announce a partnership with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to bring the Marc Davis Lecture Series to Anaheim for its Keynote Session on 22 July 2013. During this session, eight...
Q&A with Mark Elendt, SIGGRAPH 2013 Dailies Chair
11 June 2013 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Graphics, Industry Leaders, Interactive Techniques
Mark Elendt Following is a brief Q&A with Mark Elendt, SIGGRAPH 2013 Dailies Chair from Side Effects Software. Mark has had quite a successful CG career and has been a devoted SIGGRAPH volunteer for many years. He is well known for his work at Side Effects...
European Directors Win Majority of SIGGRAPH 2013 Computer Animation Festival Honors
5 June 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Graphics, Industry Leaders, Interactive Techniques
SIGGRAPH 2013 Releases Snapshot of Business Symposium Sessions
30 May 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesBusiness, Conferences, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Research
SIGGRAPH 2013, 21-25 July at the Anaheim Convention Center in California, released its initial list of sessions for the 2013 Business Symposium. The SIGGRAPH Business Symposium offers attendees an intense, productive day with this year’s focus on disruption and...
SIGGRAPH 2013 Relases Art Gallery Preview Video
24 May 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Graphics, Interactive Techniques
The Art Gallery’s 2013 theme, XYZN: Scale, draws attention to a key critical affordance of computer-based authorship: the ability to iteratively scale our digital representations at will: in-out-up-down, back and forth, + and -. These core functions enable us to...
SIGGRAPH Releases Technical Papers Preview Video
23 May 2013 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Graphics, Industry Leaders, Interactive Techniques
The SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program is the premier mechanical bull for sale international forum for disseminating new scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Here's the latest preview of the amazing 2013 technical papers content. To review...
SIGGRAPH 2013 Releases Emerging Technologies Preview
17 May 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesGraphics, Interactive Techniques, Mobile, Virtual Reality
SIGGRAPH 2013, 21 -25 July at the Anaheim Convention Center in California, released its list of 2013 Emerging Technologies highlights that will be featured at this year’s conference.SIGGRAPH 2013 Emerging Technologies presents innovative technologies and applications...
Q&A with Evan Hirsch, SIGGRAPH 2013 Business Symposium Chair
14 May 2013 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Gaming, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Production
Following is a brief interview with Evan Hirsch, SIGGRAPH 2013 Business Symposium Chair from Engine Co. 4. Evan has served in various volunteer SIGGRAPH roles over the years and this year marks his 22nd consecutive SIGGRAPH. He has worked with industry leaders...