
SIGGRAPH Conferences

SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 80 – Storytelling Through the Power of Animation

SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 80 – Storytelling Through the Power of Animation

SIGGRAPH 2025 Electronic Theater Director Dawn Fidrick welcomes four SIGGRAPH 2024 Electronic Theater contributors, Toby Cochran , Adrain Ochoa , Mo Mahler , and Bill Shannon, for an enriching discussion about animation.

SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 50.2 – The Future of Production with Larry Cutler

SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 50.2 – The Future of Production with Larry Cutler

SIGGRAPH Spotlight is looking toward the future – of production that is. SIGGRAPH 2021 Production Sessions Chair, John Kalaigian, spoke with two incredible guests this month on their current projects and where they see the future of production going.