

What Twentysomethings, Adulting, and Pixar’s Newest SparkShort Have in Common

What Twentysomethings, Adulting, and Pixar’s Newest SparkShort Have in Common

“Twenty Something” Director Aphton Corbin shares more about the project, which premieres today as part of the SIGGRAPH 2021 Electronic Theater and launches on Disney+ on 10 September.

SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 45 – Animating With Purpose

SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 45 – Animating With Purpose

In this episode of the SIGGRAPH Spotlight podcast, SIGGRAPH 2021 Computer Animation Festival Director Mark Elendt is joined by directors Taz Tron Delix, Kayu Leung, and Simone Giampaolo to discuss using animation to tell impactful stories.

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Heart and ‘Soul’ of Pixar’s Latest Feature

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Heart and ‘Soul’ of Pixar’s Latest Feature

Pixar’s Michael Fong and Bill Watral share how they created the characters of “Soul,” the contrast between the settings of New York City and the astral world of the Great Beyond, the most impactful scenes, and what it was like to wrap a film while working remotely during the pandemic.

Access Top-notch Animation Works Featured at SIGGRAPH Asia 2020

Access Top-notch Animation Works Featured at SIGGRAPH Asia 2020

SIGGRAPH Asia 2020’s Computer Animation Festival showcases animation, visual effects, and scientific visualization, along with must-see works in computer animation assembled by its jury. Animators and CG artists from Pixar, Cartoon Saloon, Netflix, Glen Keane Productions, and Titmouse (and more!) will discuss their creations and lifelong journeys into animation and computer graphics.