We are gathered here today to discuss “ReMember” and how it uses audiovisual effects to create memorials for pet owners’ companion animals.
Art Papers
Fluid, Feminine, and Ecological Data Visualization
6 January 2021 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Data, Research
Discover the science and method behind student thesis project “Tsuga Convictio”, a 2020 selection of the IEEE VIS Arts Program.
Interacting With AI ‘Inside the Classification Cube’
5 May 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Research
Go behind the scenes of SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Papers selection “Inside the Classification Cube: An Intimate Interaction With an AI System.” Researcher Avital Meshi shares how she explored one of society’s most frequently asked questions using artificial intelligence.
Behind ‘Terra Mars’ With Weili Shi
14 May 2019 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Research
Rendering of the western hemisphere of "Terra Mars" generation 65, centered at the enormous canyon system Valles Marineris, also featuring some or Mar's tallest mountains. (© Weili Shi. Clouds texture credit: NASA) "Terra Mars: When Earth Shines on Mars through AI's...
‘Bad Mother / Good Mother’: An Audiovisual Performance Exploring Motherhood and the Workplace
27 July 2021 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Research
“Bad Mother / Good Mother” is an audiovisual performance about motherhood, the workplace, and invisible work.
SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Papers Best in Show Reimagines the Family Tree
3 September 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences
SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Papers Best in Show award winner Fan Xiang shares the inspiration and meaning behind “Enhanced Family Tree: Evolving Research and Expression.”
SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 33 – Interactive and Immersive Art
13 March 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAdaptive Technology, Art, Augmented Reality, Conferences
On an all-new episode of SIGGRAPH Spotlight, Andres Burbano is joined by Rachel Dickey, Sandro Kereselidze, and Marc Petz to discuss the current landscape of interactive and immersive art.
Answer the Call: SIGGRAPH 2019 Submissions
15 November 2018 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Education, Emerging Technologies, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Real-Time, Research, Students
As the SIGGRAPH 2019 Call for Submissions opens, there is palpable excitement to see the innovative, thoughtful, and groundbreaking ideas that our community will share. From new research to emerging technologies to innovative art, the content that is ultimately chosen...
Nice to Meet You: Introducing The Proceedings of the ACM in Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (PACMCGIT)
7 May 2021 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Research
Learn about the history of PACMCGIT and what the can expect from the journal’s collaboration with SIGGRAPH 2021 Art Papers.
‘Cacophonic Choir’, the Sounds of Survivors’ Stories
12 June 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Design, Real-Time
The “Cacophonic Choir” team breaks down how they use machine learning to demonstrate the effect of the mass media on sexual assault survivors’ stories.
Behind the Research: Making Collective Virtual Narrative
3 October 2019 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Awards, Conferences, Research
NYU Future Reality Lab’s Kris Layng and Ken Perlin discuss their Best in Show-winning Art Paper, “CAVE: Making Collective Virtual Narrative.”
Research Preview: SIGGRAPH 2018 Art Papers
12 April 2018 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Design, Production, Research, Visual Effects
Image credit: "Augmented Fauna and Glass Mutations: A Dialogue Between Material and Technique in Glassblowing and 3D Printing" © 2018 City University of Hong Kong Artists, theorists, historians, and researchers alike submitted their contributions to the SIGGRAPH 2018...