

SIGGRAPH 2013 Releases Snapshot of Business Symposium Sessions

SIGGRAPH 2013 Releases Snapshot of Business Symposium Sessions

SIGGRAPH 2013, 21-25 July at the Anaheim Convention Center in California, released its initial list of sessions for the 2013 Business Symposium. The SIGGRAPH Business Symposium offers attendees an intense, productive day with this year’s focus on disruption and...

SIGGRAPH 2013 Relases Art Gallery Preview Video

SIGGRAPH 2013 Relases Art Gallery Preview Video

The Art Gallery’s 2013 theme, XYZN: Scale, draws attention to a key critical affordance of computer-based authorship: the ability to iteratively scale our digital representations at will: in-out-up-down, back and forth, + and -. These core functions enable us to...

SIGGRAPH Releases Technical Papers Preview Video

The SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program is the premier mechanical bull for sale international forum for disseminating new scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Here's the latest preview of the amazing 2013 technical papers content. To review...

SIGGRAPH 2013 Releases Emerging Technologies Preview

SIGGRAPH 2013 Releases Emerging Technologies Preview

SIGGRAPH 2013, 21 -25 July at the Anaheim Convention Center in California, released its list of 2013 Emerging Technologies highlights that will be featured at this year’s conference.SIGGRAPH 2013 Emerging Technologies presents innovative technologies and applications...

Q&A with Evan Hirsch, SIGGRAPH 2013 Business Symposium Chair

Q&A with Evan Hirsch, SIGGRAPH 2013 Business Symposium Chair

Following is a brief interview with Evan Hirsch, SIGGRAPH 2013 Business Symposium Chair from Engine Co. 4.  Evan has served in various volunteer SIGGRAPH roles over the years and this year marks his 22nd consecutive SIGGRAPH.  He has worked with industry leaders...

SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Chair Mk Haley Previews the 40th SIGGRAPH Conference

SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Chair Mk Haley Previews the 40th SIGGRAPH Conference

Following is a brief conversation with Mk Haley (pictured below), SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Chair from Disney Research Labs, who discusses the vision, goals, and team behind SIGGRAPH 2013. Background on Mk: Mk Haley, SIGGRAPH 2013 Chair Photo credit: Jess Allen Mk...

SIGGRAPH 2013 Art Gallery: A Showcase of Digital and Interactive Advancements

SIGGRAPH 2013 Art Gallery: A Showcase of Digital and Interactive Advancements

The Art Gallery’s 2013 theme, XYZN: Scale, draws attention to a key critical affordance of computer-based authorship: the ability to iteratively scale our digital representations at will: in-out-up-down, back and forth, + and -. These core functions enable us to...

An Appeal from the SIGGRAPH 2013 Student Volunteer Chair: “Last Call for Applications”

An Appeal from the SIGGRAPH 2013 Student Volunteer Chair: “Last Call for Applications”

Apply now to be considered for an invitation to join an  incredible group of gifted and dedicated students who help make SIGGRAPH possible. The SIGGRAPH Conference draws thousands of attendees together from around the world, along with industry professionals who are...

Overview of SIGGRAPH 2012 Posters Program

Posters are a light-weight, low-tech method for presenting student, in-progress, and late-breaking work. Poster topics range from applications of computer graphics to novel interactive techniques and in-depth research in specific areas. They are displayed throughout...