image credit: Fully Automatic ID Mattes With Support for Motion Blur and Transparency by Jonah Friedman and Andrew C. Jones, Psyop SIGGRAPH 2015 presents work by some of the brightest minds in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Posters are a great way for...
Trailer Spotlight: Emerging Technologies and Art Gallery
2 July 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Emerging Technologies
Image: Folding musical instruments by Brian Chan SIGGRAPH is always filled with the latest new and exciting technology and innovation. This year's conference in Los Angeles will be no different, featuring endless opportunities to experience the outer limits of...
Making @ SIGGRAPH: Q&A with Eric Haines
18 June 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Design, Real-Time
This Q&A is part of a series where we sat down with innovative makers across disciplines to both celebrate the launch of the conference's brand-new Making program and to highlight the impressive work of the making community. Making @ SIGGRAPH 2015 is for all those...
Spend a Week at SIGGRAPH Student Program
22 May 2015 • by Barb HelferACM SIGGRAPH, Education, Industry Leaders
One of the core components of ACM SIGGRAPH is its first-class educational support. The community accomplishes this through a variety of avenues. Today we are exploring the Spend a Week at SIGGRAPH Student Program, which focuses on underrepresented groups who...
Making @ SIGGRAPH: Q&A with Andrew Glassner
14 July 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Design, Hardware, Industry Leaders
Image Credit: All images copyright Andrew Glassner, 2015 This Q&A is part of a series where we sat down with innovative makers across disciplines to both celebrate the launch of the conference's brand-new Making program and to highlight the impressive work of the...
Making @ SIGGRAPH: Q&A with Jie Qi
25 June 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Design
Image: Made by Jie Qi and Brian Chan. Inspired by Jessie Thompson and Zach Berta This Q&A is part of a series where we sat down with innovative makers across disciplines to both celebrate the launch of the conference's brand-new Making program and to highlight...
Share Your Mobile App Masterpiece
11 June 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Mobile
Image credit: Earth. Visualized. by Mark Manca, Sculpted Pixels Incorporated. Debuted at SIGGRAPH 2014 Appy Hour The marvelous devices we carry in our pockets and bags are changing how we enjoy media, absorb information, and interact with the world. Mobile...
Immerse Yourself in the VR Village
14 May 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAugmented Reality, Virtual Reality
Debuting in 2015, The VR Village is a virtual screening room for cutting-edge Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and immersive media programming. Participants will experience content in a variety of ways, including stand-up/sit-down VR and tabletop AR,...
Trailer Spotlight: Dailies at SIGGRAPH 2015
9 July 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Conferences, Production, Students, Visual Effects
Image: The Making of Fruit People © 2015 Emilio Saenz, Treehouse Army It's a given that SIGGRAPH conferences celebrate excellence in computer graphics and interactive techniques. But SIGGRAPH is so much more. At its core, SIGGRAPH is about connections, intersections,...
SIGGRAPHITTI Issue 4: Real-Time Live!, Art Gallery, Talks, Panels
23 June 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Education, Interactive Techniques, Real-Time, Virtual Reality
PIRANESI © 2015 Adam Lowe and Alice Angossini, Factum Arte SIGGRAPHITTI is the official newsletter for the North American SIGGRAPH Conference, an annual five-day interdisciplinary educational experience of the latest computer graphics and interactive techniques. Sign...
SIGGRAPHITTI Issue 3: Emerging Technologies, Art Papers, Production Sessions, and Industrial Light & Magic’s 40th Anniversary
4 June 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Art, Conferences, Emerging Technologies
Light Pattern © 2015 Daniel Temkin SIGGRAPHITTI is the official newsletter for the North American SIGGRAPH Conference, an annual five-day interdisciplinary educational experience of the latest computer graphics and interactive techniques. Sign up to receive...
7 Reasons to Attend SIGGRAPH 2015
11 May 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences
Why attend SIGGRAPH 2015? As always, the annual SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition gathers the world's leading experts in the field of computer graphics and interactive techniques. Of course, 2015's event also offers attendees incredible networking opportunities. And...