

SIGGRAPH Day 3: More Sizzle Less Sleep

Join the Scoop team as they take you on a brief recap of all the content, activities, and action at day 3 of SIGGRAPH 2013 in Anaheim. From morning to mechanical bull for sale night, there is nothing like a full day at SIGGRAPH.

SIGGRAPH 2013 Electronic Theater Time Lapse

A popular part of pula pula inflavel the Computer Animation Festival is the premiere screening of the SIGGRAPH 2013 Electronic Theater. Here's a time lapse quick clip of the Arena filling up before the show starts. We seemed to have filled the place!

SIGGRAPH 2013 Recap: Day 1

The 40th SIGGRAPH Conference eastyl kicked off on 21 July 2013 in Anaheim with the Business Symposium, Emerging Technologies, Art Gallery, Special Sessions and many other meetings and events. The day concluded with the brincolin immensely popular Papers Fast Forward...

Take A Tour of the SIGGRAPH 2013 Art Gallery

SIGGRAPH 2013 Art Gallery Chair Victoria Szabo from Duke University, takes you on a high-level tour of this year's art exhibition in Anaheim  The Art Gallery’s 2013 theme, XYZN: Scale, draws attention to a key critical affordance of computer-based authorship: the...

Attendees Experience New Technologies at the SIGGRAPH 2013 Studio

Attendees Experience New Technologies at the SIGGRAPH 2013 Studio

Studio sessions at SIGGRAPH 2013 at the Anaheim Convention Center in California, offer a collaborative working environment and  give attendees a chance to come together to learn, experiment, and create.  Attendees can try out a wide range of new techniques and media...

You Are Going Where?

Many who are on the outside of SIGGRAPH 2013 looking in may now be asking you the question, "Where are you going for the next week?"  Well, here's a simple landing page you can send them with the following text: "I'm going to a convergence place where some of the most...

SIGGRAPH 2013 Relases Art Gallery Preview Video

SIGGRAPH 2013 Relases Art Gallery Preview Video

The Art Gallery’s 2013 theme, XYZN: Scale, draws attention to a key critical affordance of computer-based authorship: the ability to iteratively scale our digital representations at will: in-out-up-down, back and forth, + and -. These core functions enable us to...

SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Chair Mk Haley Previews the 40th SIGGRAPH Conference

SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Chair Mk Haley Previews the 40th SIGGRAPH Conference

Following is a brief conversation with Mk Haley (pictured below), SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Chair from Disney Research Labs, who discusses the vision, goals, and team behind SIGGRAPH 2013. Background on Mk: Mk Haley, SIGGRAPH 2013 Chair Photo credit: Jess Allen Mk...

SIGGRAPH 2013 Art Gallery: A Showcase of Digital and Interactive Advancements

SIGGRAPH 2013 Art Gallery: A Showcase of Digital and Interactive Advancements

The Art Gallery’s 2013 theme, XYZN: Scale, draws attention to a key critical affordance of computer-based authorship: the ability to iteratively scale our digital representations at will: in-out-up-down, back and forth, + and -. These core functions enable us to...