Jon Peddie Research shares why the GPU is feelin’ ’22 (and continuing to innovate to maintain its powering of everything, everywhere).
How Center-of-gravity Can Change Flavor Perception
1 July 2021 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Emerging Technologies, Hardware
From a thought on vacation to presenting at SIGGRAPH, The University of Tokyo’s Masaharu Hirose discusses 2021 Emerging Technologies project “Balanced Glass Design”.
ConeTilt and the Future of VR Hardware
22 December 2020 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Research, Technical Papers
Go behind the research of SIGGRAPH 2020’s “Towards Occlusion-aware Multifocal Displays”, which introduces a novel ConeTilt method for VR display.
Pixel-powered Polygons Boil Frogs
7 July 2020 • by Jon PeddieBusiness, Gaming, Graphics, Hardware, Software
Improvements in processing power, and the cost reductions due to mass consumption, have resulted in a virtuous circle feeding software developments that exploit the improvements in processors and then demanding more.
The Many Roles of the GPU
6 November 2018 • by Jon PeddieACM SIGGRAPH, Hardware, Production, Real-Time
The original use and development for the GPU was to accelerate 3D games and rendering.
Computer Graphic Market Forecast
2 October 2018 • by Jon PeddieBusiness, Emerging Technologies, Graphics, Hardware, Software
Ever since it came into being during 1970s, the computer graphics (CG) industry has been a mixed bag of technologies, users, and applications, and has had for the most part a consistent (and lumpy) growth record.