

SIGGRAPH 2014 Call for Submissions

SIGGRAPH 2014 Call for Submissions

SIGGRAPH 2014 Call For Submissions Share Your Talents at SIGGRAPH 2014! Present your work at SIGGRAPH’s 41st International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques: the premier showcase for creating experiences that wow the crowds and...

SIGGRAPH 2013 Highlights from Anaheim

SIGGRAPH 2013 Highlights from Anaheim

Anaheim marked the 40th annual SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition. SIGGRAPH 2013, the world's premier conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques, celebrated its 40th anniversary by welcoming 17,162 artists, research scientists, gaming experts and...

SIGGRAPH Day 3: More Sizzle Less Sleep

Join the Scoop team as they take you on a brief recap of all the content, activities, and action at day 3 of SIGGRAPH 2013 in Anaheim. From morning to mechanical bull for sale night, there is nothing like a full day at SIGGRAPH.

SIGGRAPH 2013 Electronic Theater Time Lapse

A popular part of pula pula inflavel the Computer Animation Festival is the premiere screening of the SIGGRAPH 2013 Electronic Theater. Here's a time lapse quick clip of the Arena filling up before the show starts. We seemed to have filled the place!

SIGGRAPH 2013 Recap: Day 1

The 40th SIGGRAPH Conference eastyl kicked off on 21 July 2013 in Anaheim with the Business Symposium, Emerging Technologies, Art Gallery, Special Sessions and many other meetings and events. The day concluded with the brincolin immensely popular Papers Fast Forward...

Hear from Attendees on What They Are Excited About @ SIGGRAPH 2013

SIGGRAPH's videography hüpfburg team (SCOOP) ventured inside and outside the halls of the Anaheim Convention Center on Sunday (21 July) to ask our enthusiastic and sometimes slightly jet lagged attendees what they're looking forward bouncy castle to most at SIGGRAPH...

SIGGRAPH 2013 Computer Animation Festival Releases Statistics Prior to Open

SIGGRAPH 2013 Computer Animation Festival Releases Statistics Prior to Open

SIGGRAPH 2013 Computer Animation Festival recently released interesting statistics about this year's new batch of amazing films. The Festival is recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as a qualifying festival. Since 1999, several works...

Attendees Experience New Technologies at the SIGGRAPH 2013 Studio

Attendees Experience New Technologies at the SIGGRAPH 2013 Studio

Studio sessions at SIGGRAPH 2013 at the Anaheim Convention Center in California, offer a collaborative working environment and  give attendees a chance to come together to learn, experiment, and create.  Attendees can try out a wide range of new techniques and media...

SIGGRAPH 2013 Exhibits Fast Forward Provides Quick Summary of Show Floor

SIGGRAPH 2013 Exhibits Fast Forward Provides Quick Summary of Show Floor

Come to the Exhibits Fast Forward to hear from exhibitors before the show floor even opens. SIGGRAPH 2013 (21-25 July) at the Anaheim Convention Center in California will feature a new session: Exhibits Fast Forward, where attendees have the opportunity to hear a...

SIGGRAPH Conference Chair Offers Her Top 10 Tips for Tackling SIGGRAPH

SIGGRAPH Conference Chair Offers Her Top 10 Tips for Tackling SIGGRAPH

The Anaheim Convention Center at dusk. Mk Haley - SIGGRAPH 2013 Conference Chair New to SIGGRAPH or just east jump need a refresher on how to best go about tackling the enormous breadth of the SIGGRAPH experience?  Read Mk Haley’s pointers on how to go about getting...

SIGGRAPH 2013 Unveils Computer Animation Festival Preview Video

The Computer Animation Festival, celebrating its 40th year, just released a sneak peak into the amazing content that will be present this year in Anaheim. The Festival is recognized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as a qualifying festival. Since...