Autodesk and Intel Corp. are just two of many companies returning to SIGGRAPH in 2014. SIGGRAPH is delighted to share the current amazing caliber of exhibitors already committed to this year's event in Vancouver. Featuring both veteran and new partners, SIGGRAPH...
Real-Time Live! Submission Deadline Approaching
8 March 2014 • by ACM SIGGRAPHReal-Time
Are you an Evil Genius? Mad Scientist? Creative Computer God? If so, we want YOU! The submission deadline for the Real-Time Live! program is fast approaching. Submit your work by Tuesday, 1 April, 22:00 UTC/GMT, for consideration to present at SIGGRAPH 2014!Bouncy...
Jon Peddie Research Releases Analysis on Computer Graphics Industry
22 July 2011 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Research, Visual Effects
**The overall CG market will exceed $100 billion in 2014** **Industry enjoys 7% growth for past five years** The computer graphics (CG) industry has been a growth industry since it was established the late 1970s. Weathering the storms of the recession of 2009, the CG...
Interview With SIGGRAPH 2011 The Studio Chair: Chris Williams
14 July 2011 • by ACM SIGGRAPHIndustry Leaders, Interactive Techniques, Visual Effects
Following is a brief conversation with Chris Williams, The Studio Chair from Knowledge Adventure! (pictured at right). He currently is their Creative Director and attended the University of California, Riverside. For someone who is new to SIGGRAPH, what should they...
Q&A with SIGGRAPH 2014 Chair Dave Shreiner
15 April 2014 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Graphics, Industry Leaders, Interactive Techniques
In 2014, SIGGRAPH returns to Vancouver, British Columbia Briefly describe your past experience as a SIGGRAPH volunteer and what motivated you to serve as the SIGGRAPH 2014 Conference Chair. I’ve been a long-time contributor to the SIGGRAPH Courses program – I’ve...
A Q&A with the SIGGRAPH 2014 Computer Animation Festival Chair Jerome Solomon
26 February 2014 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Emerging Technologies, Industry Leaders
Jerome Solomon Editor's note: When not volunteering or being a great dad, Jerome Solomon serves as Academic Dean and Director of Game Design & Development at Cogswell Polytechnical College in Sunnyvale, CA. What can we expect from the 2014 Computer Animation...
Exhibitor Tech Talks Schedule Announced
22 July 2011 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesGraphics, Interactive Techniques, Visual Effects
At the SIGGRAPH 2011 Exhibitor Tech Talks, attendees are able to get the inside story direct from the commercial developers of tomorrow's hot hardware, software, and systems. Benefits include question-and-answer exchanges and one-on-one conversations with the speakers...
SIGGRAPH Game Content Revealed: Part III
11 July 2011 • by ACM SIGGRAPHGaming, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Real-Time, Visual Effects
Following is the final entry of a three-part series focusing on game content that will be featured at SIGGRAPH 2011. This is a conversation between Naty Hoffman (pictured at the right) and ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter Reporter Mariebeth Aquino. Naty Hoffman is a Technical...
The Perfect Combination: SIGGRAPH 2014 & Vancouver
1 April 2014 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences
Majestic mountains, sparkling ocean, rainforests and beautiful foliage in all four seasons make Vancouver one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It's no surprise Condé Nast Magazine named it the "Best City in the Americas."Canada is known for its people's...
SIGGRAPH Art Gallery Unveils Event Line-Up
31 July 2011 • by ACM SIGGRAPHArt, Graphics, Interactive Techniques
The SIGGRAPH Art Gallery released its line-up for events during conference week. The theme for this year is "Tracing Home" and the following is Mona Kasra's [the SIGGRAPH 2011 Art Gallery chair] vision statement for the content: "In the era of networked technology,...
SIGGRAPH 2011 Game Industry Content Summary
19 July 2011 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesGaming, Graphics, Real-Time
The following is a roundup of all content at SIGGRAPH 2011 originating from the game industry as compiled by Naty Hoffman, SIGGRAPH 2011 Game Development Community Director from Activision Studio Central. From Naty, "Please note that this content originating from the...
SIGGRAPH Gaming Content Revealed: Part Two
6 July 2011 • by ACM SIGGRAPHGaming, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Real-Time, Visual Effects
Following is the second entry of a three-part series focusing on gaming content that will be featured at SIGGRAPH 2011. This is a conversation between Jason RM Smith (pictured at the right) and ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter Reporter Mariebeth Aquino. After successfully leading...