Robyn Luckham and Stephen James dive into the meticulously detailed VFX work and impressive creatures that played a climactic role in the creation of “Dune.”
Digital Effects
SIGGRAPH Unveils 2012 Art Gallery: In Search of the Miraculous
7 June 2012 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Graphics, Interactive Techniques
SIGGRAPH 2012 Art Gallery: In Search of the Miraculous presents exceptional digital and technologically mediated artworks that explore the existence of wonderment, mystery, and awe in today’s world of mediating technologies and abundant data. Of the nearly 400...
Photos of the Day: Iron Man Maquettes Land @ SIGGRAPH 2013
24 July 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Visual Effects
Marvel's official "Iron Man" maquettes make an appearance at SIGGRAPH 2013 in Anaheim. Photo credit: N. Matesowicz. Attendees of Wednesday's Production Session "The Visual Effects of Marvel's 'Iron Man 3'" were treated to unexpected guest appearances by the "Iron...
Interview with SIGGRAPH 2011 Art Gallery Chair
14 June 2011 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Art, Graphics, Visual Effects
Following below is a brief interview with Mona Kasra, SIGGRAPH 2011 Art Gallery Chair, who explains her vision and insights into this year's amazing Art Gallery - Tracing Home. Kasra is a new media artist and educator currently pursuing a PhD at University of Texas at...
SIGGRAPH 2013 Exhibits Fast Forward Provides Quick Summary of Show Floor
16 July 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Gaming, Graphics, Interactive Techniques
Come to the Exhibits Fast Forward to hear from exhibitors before the show floor even opens. SIGGRAPH 2013 (21-25 July) at the Anaheim Convention Center in California will feature a new session: Exhibits Fast Forward, where attendees have the opportunity to hear a...
Interview with SIGGRAPH 2010 Computer Animation Festival Director Isaac Kerlow
1 April 2010 • by ACM SIGGRAPHUncategorized
Following below is a brief conversation with Isaac Kerlow, SIGGRAPH 2010 Computer Animation Festival Director from The Earth Observatory of Singapore/NTU ADM, who shares his vision, inspiration, and expected highlights for this year’s Computer Animation Festival. What...