This year, the “Spirit of SIGGRAPH” is in your hands. SIGGRAPH 2016 has invited artists and innovators to create a character design that embodies the synergy of the conference and reflects the energetic and inventive spirit present in the fields of computer graphics...
Computer Graphics
Celebrating a Decade of Animation: Looking Back at LAIKA
2 February 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Production
“Some might call it mad. Some might call it magic. We call it LAIKA.” On December 15, 2015, LAIKA officially celebrated ten years of cutting-edge, stop-motion films. A longtime SIGGRAPH conference supporter, LAIKA has shared its eccentric cinematic journey...
5 Reasons Students Volunteer for SIGGRAPH
7 January 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Students
The deadline to apply to be a student volunteer at SIGGRAPH 2016 is just a month away (February 9 to be exact) and every year, we look forward to the enthusiasm, energy and service that hundreds of student volunteers bring to the conference. This important group of...
Are Computer Graphics Always the Answer?
3 December 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesACM SIGGRAPH, Animation, Visual Effects
Photo credit: Industrial Light & Magic workers stage the Battle of Hoth for "Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back." Courtesy of ILM This post was originally published on the ACM SIGGRAPH News blog in January 2015. With the highly anticipated release of...
SIGGRAPH 2016: Contribute Your Content
19 November 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Art, Conferences, Data, Design, Emerging Technologies, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Mobile, Research, Students, Virtual Reality
SIGGRAPH has always celebrated the synergy of art, science, and technology through a passion for graphics, interactivity, enhanced realities, games, mobile, robotics, visualization, and any other area where creative convergences occur. For more than 40 years, our...
Speaking with Yoshifumi Kitamura, SIGGRAPH Asia Conference Chair
21 October 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences
With a little more than a week to SIGGRAPH Asia 2015, we sat down with Conference Chair Yoshifumi Kitamura for some insights into the conference and his connection with the industry. SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 (SA2015): As Conference Chair for SIGGRAPH Asia 2015, could you...
Behind-the-Scenes: SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Computer Animation Festival
5 October 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Conferences, Film, Graphics
Image credit: © Digic Pictures, CD PROJECKTS. A. SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Computer Animation Festival (CAF) Director Jinny H.J. Choo shares her thoughts on the future of the industry and what you can expect at the SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 CAF. SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 (SA2015): What...
That’s a Wrap – Highlights from SIGGRAPH 2015
13 August 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Art, Augmented Reality, Conferences, Emerging Technologies, Virtual Reality, Visual Effects
The collaboration between the graphics, art and technologies always brings out the new, the exciting and the inspired. At SIGGRAPH 2015, various disciplines and interests intersected at the “Xroads of Discovery.” Throughout the year, the conference and program chairs...
New at SIGGRAPH 2015: ePosters
21 July 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Research, Simulation
image credit: Fully Automatic ID Mattes With Support for Motion Blur and Transparency by Jonah Friedman and Andrew C. Jones, Psyop SIGGRAPH 2015 presents work by some of the brightest minds in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Posters are a great way for...
Trailer Spotlight: SIGGRAPH 2015 Technical Papers
28 May 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Research
Image Credit: Codimensional Non-Newtonian Fluids © 2015 Bo Zhu, Minjae Lee, Ed Quigley, and Ronald Fedkiw, Stanford University You never know what kinds of things you might see at SIGGRAPH 2015! The SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program is the premier international forum...
Voting, Volunteerism, and Value
30 April 2015 • by Barb HelferACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences
It is that time of year again when ACM SIGGRAPH members are asked to vote for our elected Executive Committee (EC) members. In mid-April, members were sent a unique 10-digit code via email. You can still use this PIN to CAST A VOTE until June 1st. It is also the time...
Academy Sci-Tech Awards: The SIGGRAPH Connection
19 March 2015 • by Mike AmronACM SIGGRAPH, Industry Leaders, Research, Visual Effects
From the facial animation heralded in "Benjamin Button," to the destruction of cities in "Transformers," and the sculptural artistry of the characters in "Pacific Rim" and the "Avengers," much of the effects on screen are computer generated -- and this year's...