Graphic Recording of the SIGGRAPH 2018 Business Symposium “Academic and Industry Partnership” panel by Jason Toal The SIGGRAPH 2018 Business Symposium “Academic and Industry Partnership” session was a combined panel and roundtable discussion, and consisted of...
Business Symposium
Q&A with Evan Hirsch, SIGGRAPH 2013 Business Symposium Chair
14 May 2013 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Gaming, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Production
Following is a brief interview with Evan Hirsch, SIGGRAPH 2013 Business Symposium Chair from Engine Co. 4. Evan has served in various volunteer SIGGRAPH roles over the years and this year marks his 22nd consecutive SIGGRAPH. He has worked with industry leaders...
VR Pioneer Carolina Cruz Neira
17 July 2018 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesBusiness, Conferences, Theory, Virtual Reality
Dr. Carolina Cruz Neira will be part of the Generations panel at the SIGGRAPH 2018 Business Symposium, 11-12 August in Vancouver, British Columbia. A virtual reality (VR) pioneer and leading expert in Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) technology, Dr. Cruz...
SIGGRAPH Business Symposium Presents Leaders and Visionaries to Address Industry Direction
23 July 2012 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Business, Interactive Techniques, Research
Featured Speaker Carl Rosendahl In its second year, the SIGGRAPH Business Symposium provides an intimate, interactive forum for open, frank conversations among leaders and executives in the visual effects, gaming, and media arena as they explore the present and future...
SIGGRAPH 2013 Releases Snapshot of Business Symposium Sessions
30 May 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesBusiness, Conferences, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Research
SIGGRAPH 2013, 21-25 July at the Anaheim Convention Center in California, released its initial list of sessions for the 2013 Business Symposium. The SIGGRAPH Business Symposium offers attendees an intense, productive day with this year’s focus on disruption and...
SIGGRAPH Launches Business Symposium to Address Industry Needs and Direction
15 June 2011 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Visual Effects
For nearly 40 years, SIGGRAPH has inspired, educated, and influenced the direction of research, production, and artistic communities. At SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver, 7-11 August 2011, the conference is introducing the SIGGRAPH Symposium: The Business Think Tank. This...