by Jacky Bibliowicz and Scott Lang Most members of the ACM SIGGRAPH community are familiar with the ACM SIGGRAPH Chapters and have the opportunity to regularly attend Chapter events in their local areas. However, fewer people may be aware that the Chapter leaders and...
Computer Graphics and SIGGRAPH Pioneer Jim Blinn
8 September 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesACM SIGGRAPH, Graphics, Industry Leaders, Research
Photo courtesy of Waskul TV This Q&A was originally published in the ACM SIGGRAPH Member Profiles. Jim Blinn is a pioneer in computer graphics and is known for his work with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory where he produced computer graphics animations for...
Meet Alain Chesnais
25 August 2016 • by ACM SIGGRAPHACM SIGGRAPH, Industry Leaders, Research
photo: Alain Chesnais (center) with LEGO Alain and friends This Q&A was originally published in the ACM SIGGRAPH Member Profiles. Alain Chesnais is a long-time volunteer with SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH conferences. He was this year’s ACM SIGGRAPH’s...
Keeping the Flame Alive: SIGGRAPH 2016 Video Content
18 August 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences
SIGGRAPH 2016 broke new ground in so many ways, including the introduction of streaming video content and more video capture than ever. As always, the ACM SIGGRAPH SCOOP team was on hand at at the conference, documenting the content, people, and innovations on...
Dare to Do Mighty Things: Z. Nagin Cox at SIGGRAPH 2016
26 July 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAugmented Reality, Conferences, Emerging Technologies, Industry Leaders, Research, Virtual Reality
On day two of the SIGGRAPH 2016 conference, attendees — both physical and virtual — heard from Keynote and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA JPL) Spacecraft Operations Engineer Z. Nagin Cox who shared stories from her interplanetary robotic missions, including that...
Digital Arts Community (DAC)
26 May 2016 • by Barb HelferAnimation, Art, Design, Emerging Technologies
Image credit: The Art of Strange Attractors © Robert J. Krawczyk I recently had the chance to talk with Cynthia Beth Rubin about her role as the Chair for the Digital Arts Community (DAC). She feels her job, as well as her committee’s role, is to encourage and...
SIGGRAPH 2016 Technical Papers Preview
17 May 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Graphics, Industry Leaders, Interactive Techniques, Research
© 2016 Cornell University, Columbia University, and Stanford University The SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program is the premier international forum for disseminating new scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive techniques. The 2016 program includes both juried...
SIGGRAPH Student Volunteers: Oh, The Places You’ll Go (part 3)
28 April 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences, Students
In this three-part series, SIGGRAPH Student Volunteer alum and guest blogger Jessica Sommerville looks at how the SIGGRAPH SV program has shaped the professional lives of some of its alumni. If you missed the first installment, you can read it here and you can read...
Tips for Creating a Winning Poster at SIGGRAPH 2016
7 April 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Research, Students
Seungbae Bang is the 2015 first place winner of the SIGGRAPH Student Research Competition and recently sat down with SIGGRAPH to tell his story on how he created a winning Poster. SIGGRAPH 2016 (S2016): Tell us about yourself. Seungbae Bang (SB): I am a Ph.D. student...
Meet Juan Miguel de Joya
31 March 2016 • by ACM SIGGRAPHACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences, Gaming
photo: Juan Miguel de Joya (r) with Paulo Machado (l) and a student volunteer at SIGGRAPH 2015. This Q&A was originally published in the ACM SIGGRAPH Member Profiles. Juan Miguel de Joya is a member of the SIGGRAPH 2016 Games Committee. He was also the Poster's...
Noteworthy News You May Have Missed from SIGGRAPH 2015
27 August 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesACM SIGGRAPH, Animation, Conferences, Education, Emerging Technologies, Film, Interactive Techniques, Virtual Reality
Amid all of the education, demonstrations, and networking at SIGGRAPH 2015, chances are you missed something worth discovering. Not to worry! SIGGRAPH 2015 received plenty of media attention and we've rounded up of some of the most noteworthy news items and stories to...
Tips for First-time Conference Attendees
19 June 2015 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences
Whether you're new to SIGGRAPH Conferences or just need a refresher on how best to tackle the biggest five days in computer graphics and interactive techniques, we're here for you. The SIGGRAPH experience can be daunting thanks in large part to the amazing breadth of...