Tips for First-time Conference Attendees

by | 19 June 2015 | Conferences

Whether you’re new to SIGGRAPH Conferences or just need a refresher on how best to tackle the biggest five days in computer graphics and interactive techniques, we’re here for you. The SIGGRAPH experience can be daunting thanks in large part to the amazing breadth of content available throughout the week, so we want you to feel prepared!

While planning, be sure to look for the red “First-Timer” call-outs throughout the Advance Program to get an idea of some of the “must-see” content. In addition, pay close attention to these top five tips from a veteran attendee:

  • Attend the first-time attendee Panel: Ready, Steady … SIGGRAPH!!!!
  • If you really, really want to get into a session, GET THERE EARLY. Due to fire codes, we are only permitted a certain number of bodies to every room, so if you arrive too close to start time, you may be out of luck.
  • Collaborate with other attendees, whether that is in the Studio, at networking events, or anywhere else that people gather throughout the week.
  • Plan ahead using the Schedule at a Glance and try to stay for more than one day — packing the full experience in such a short time can be maddening.
  • When in doubt, ask a volunteer! An easy spot to find volunteers will be at the SIGGRAPH 2016 booth in the convention center, where they will be happy to point you in the right direction. You can also find the wonderful student volunteers spread throughout the convention center (and wearing “Ask Me” buttons on their SIGGRAPH 2015 t-shirts).

Are you a long-time attendee with tips of your own? Share them in the comments!

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