

SIGGRAPH Unveils  2012 Art Gallery: In Search of the Miraculous

SIGGRAPH Unveils 2012 Art Gallery: In Search of the Miraculous

SIGGRAPH 2012 Art Gallery: In Search of the Miraculous presents exceptional digital and technologically mediated artworks that explore the existence of wonderment, mystery, and awe in today’s world of mediating technologies and abundant data. Of the nearly 400...

Conference Chair Previews SIGGRAPH 2012

Conference Chair Previews SIGGRAPH 2012

Following below is a brief conversation with Rebecca Strzelec, SIGGRAPH 2012 Conference Chair from Penn State Altoona, on her inspirations, background, and what to expect at SIGGRAPH this year. What made you agree to take on the volunteer position of conference chair...

Take A Tour of the SIGGRAPH 2013 Art Gallery

SIGGRAPH 2013 Art Gallery Chair Victoria Szabo from Duke University, takes you on a high-level tour of this year's art exhibition in Anaheim  The Art Gallery’s 2013 theme, XYZN: Scale, draws attention to a key critical affordance of computer-based authorship: the...
