Still reeling from last week's SIGGRAPH 2018 conference? Perhaps you missed Vancouver altogether? There's a video for that! In addition to the ability to re-watch any of our live-streamed sessions, check out this collection of bonus videos, published daily during our...
Mark Elendt
Go Behind the Scenes with SIGGRAPH 2014 Dailies
28 July 2014 • by ACM SIGGRAPHFilm, Interactive Techniques, Visual Effects
SIGGRAPH 2014 will showcase more than 40 contributor Dailies with presenters ranging from students to industry giants on Wednesday, 13 August at the Vancouver Convention Centre. SIGGRAPH Dailies bouncy castle celebrate excellence in computer animation and are...
SIGGRAPH 2013 Highlights Accomplishments in Computer Graphics
25 June 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Graphics, Interactive Techniques
SIGGRAPH Dailies is a show celebrating excellence in computer graphics, showcasing images and short animations of extraordinary power and beauty. It is a fast-paced event where each presenter has less than two minutes to show an animation and describe their work....
Award Winning Visual Effects
20 March 2018 • by ACM SIGGRAPHACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences, Software, Visual Effects
The Lego Movie image courtesy of Animal Logic by Melanie Farmer And, the Oscar Goes to…. Avid moviegoers may not know Mark Elendt by name, but chances are pretty high they’ve seen his movies. This year, Elendt and SideFX will take home an Oscar for their creation and...
Q&A with Side Effects Software’s Mark Elendt, SIGGRAPH Dailies Chair
16 July 2014 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Graphics, Industry Leaders
What Motivated You to Come Back and Be the Chair Two Years In a Row? Mark Elendt Dailies is a very special program to me because it celebrates the artists who create computer graphics. As one of the only forums where artists can share their stories, I think it's very...
Q&A with Mark Elendt, SIGGRAPH 2013 Dailies Chair
11 June 2013 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Graphics, Industry Leaders, Interactive Techniques
Mark Elendt Following is a brief Q&A with Mark Elendt, SIGGRAPH 2013 Dailies Chair from Side Effects Software. Mark has had quite a successful CG career and has been a devoted SIGGRAPH volunteer for many years. He is well known for his work at Side Effects...
Meet SIGGRAPH 2017 Courses Chair Mark Elendt
3 November 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences, Education, Research, Visual Effects
This Q&A was originally published in the ACM SIGGRAPH Member Profiles. Mark Elendt is a long-time volunteer with ACM SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH conferences and is the 2017 SIGGRAPH Courses Chair. He has been been a developer at Side Effects Software for over 25 years....
Day 4 at SIGGRAPH 2013
25 July 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Production, Visual Effects
Day 4 just flew by! Here's a quick recap of all the incredible activities including Pixar teapots, contest give-aways,Jumping Castle Production Sessions, Computer Animation Festival, Electronic Theater, Dailies, and SIGGRAPH "After Dark", which featured outdoor...