VANCOUVER, British Columbia - SIGGRAPH 2014 returned to Vancouver, Canada, for its 41st conference and exhibition. From 10-14 August, 14,045 artists, research scientists, gaming experts and developers, filmmakers, students, and academics from 50 U.S. states and 75...
Dave Shreiner
First-Time Attendee Guide to SIGGRAPH 2014
6 August 2014 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Industry Leaders, Production
We've all been there .... staring overwhelmed at all the great SIGGRAPH content and trying to figure out how in the world to tackle it all.jumping castle In fact, the SIGGRAPH 2014 Conference Chair Dave Shreiner was once a first-time attendee many moons (a couple of...
SIGGRAPH Launches Free Program Offering Educational Videos to Computer Graphics Community
24 January 2014 • by ACM SIGGRAPHEducation, Gaming, Graphics, Industry Leaders, Interactive Techniques, Mobile
SIGGRAPH University provides a sampling of the content from the annual SIGGRAPH conference. The videos are available to the public at no cost through the ACM SIGGRAPH YouTube channel. All who watch the videos are encouraged to continue the educational experience by...
SIGGRAPH 2014 Chair Dave Shreiner’s CGW Interview!
10 August 2014 • by ACM SIGGRAPHConferences, Industry Leaders
Tell us about yourself on a personal level. I grew up in a technology-isolated backwater in central Pennsylvania, where computers weren’t particularly available. I became interested in computer graphics as a wee lad when I encountered a 2D-vector motorcycle jumping...
17 July 2014 • by ACM SIGGRAPHGaming, Graphics, Industry Leaders
SIGGRAPH 2014 has teamed up with Media Indie Exchange (The MIX) to bring the first-ever SIGGRAPH indie game showcase to its Exhibition, 12-14 August, at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia. SIGGRAPH is the premiere international conference...
SIGGRAPH 2014 Prepares for World Record Attempt
9 August 2014 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Graphics, Industry Leaders
At 8 pm Sunday, 10 August, hundreds of computer graphics aficiandos will gather in West Building, Ballroom C-D of the Vancouver Convention Centre, open a mobile web app created by Conference Chair bounce house for sale Dave Shreiner, and contribute pixels to the...
Q&A with SIGGRAPH 2014 Chair Dave Shreiner
15 April 2014 • by ACM SIGGRAPHAnimation, Graphics, Industry Leaders, Interactive Techniques
In 2014, SIGGRAPH returns to Vancouver, British Columbia Briefly describe your past experience as a SIGGRAPH volunteer and what motivated you to serve as the SIGGRAPH 2014 Conference Chair. I’ve been a long-time contributor to the SIGGRAPH Courses program – I’ve...