SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 67 – Bunny, Teapot, and Legends Unveiled: A Journey Through Computer Graphics History
10 July 2023 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Graphics, Industry Leaders
Reflect on the creation and evolution of the Stanford Bunny and Utah Teapot in this special episode of SIGGRAPH Spotlight.
Proud to Render: LGBTQ+ Voices in the Computer Graphics Community
28 June 2023 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Gaming, Virtual Reality
Let’s raise our voices, celebrate our differences, and revel in the beauty of LGBTQ+ stories in this joyous and inclusive Pride Month celebration!
Webinar: Art as Time Capsules: Software, Robotics, and Materialities
19 June 2023 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences
How do you see art as time capsules? Watch the on-demand recording of this SIGGRAPH Now webinar hosted by SIGGRAPH 2023 Art Gallery Chair Yoon Chung Han.
The Extraordinary Is Ordinary in This VR Wonderland
8 June 2023 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Virtual Reality
Follow the White Rabbit and learn more about the SIGGRAPH 2023 Immersive Pavilion selection, “Alice in Gravityland.”
SIGGRAPH 2023 Technical Papers Awards: Best Papers, Honorable Mentions, and Test-of-Time
6 July 2023 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Research
Celebrate the Technical Papers award winners, honorable mentions, and Test-of-Time recipients to get a taste of what to expect at SIGGRAPH 2023.
Pen and Paper? Try a Tablet and Feather
28 June 2023 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences
Yongkwan Kim shares how 3D drawing will take the oldest form of human expression and communication to the next level with “Feather: 3D Sketchbook.”
Light as a Feather: An Altered Human Somatic Experience
14 June 2023 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAdaptive Technology, Conferences, Emerging Technologies, Virtual Reality
Feel in control of the human somatic experience with this behind the scenes look at the SIGGRAPH 2023 Emerging Technologies selection “SomatoShift.”
Say Goodbye to Split Ends With ADMM
6 June 2023 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences, Technical Papers
Gilles Daviet shares an inside look into the SIGGRAPH 2023 Technical Paper, “Interactive Hair Simulation on the GPU Using ADMM.”
Poetry or Painting? Where Visual Art Speaks to You
29 June 2023 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Research
Wander through famous Chinese paintings while experiencing the aesthetics of poetry and painting with this new Art Papers research.
Cheers and Tears: Kleiman Uncovers the Story of the Women ‘in Front of’ ENIAC
27 June 2023 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesConferences
Before Kathy Kleiman uncovers the pioneers “in front of ENIAC” at SIGGRAPH 2023, go beyond the bio and get to know how this story can inspire the next 50 years of computer graphics and interactive techniques.
SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 66 – The Winning Formula: ACM Student Research Competition Winners Edition
12 June 2023 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences, Students
Tune in for a special SIGGRAPH Spotlight episode featuring past winners of the ACM Student Research Competition.
Get to Know the SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Committee
19 May 2023 • by SIGGRAPH AsiaConferences
We are thrilled to introduce you to our incredible team of digital media experts who have come together to form the SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Committee.