

Dare to Do Mighty Things: Z. Nagin Cox at SIGGRAPH 2016

Dare to Do Mighty Things: Z. Nagin Cox at SIGGRAPH 2016

On day two of the SIGGRAPH 2016 conference, attendees — both physical and virtual — heard from Keynote and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA JPL) Spacecraft Operations Engineer Z. Nagin Cox who shared stories from her interplanetary robotic missions, including that...

SIGGRAPH 2016: Tips for First-Time Attendees

SIGGRAPH 2016: Tips for First-Time Attendees

photo credit: "Submergence," courtesy of Anthony Rowe, Gaz Bushell, Liam Birtles, Chris Bennewith, Oliver Brown - Squidsoup Whether you're in animation, research, production development, fine arts and design, or games, SIGGRAPH 2016 has something for everyone. The...

StudioXperience Broadcast Studio: Connecting You at SIGGRAPH 2016

StudioXperience Broadcast Studio: Connecting You at SIGGRAPH 2016

The SIGGRAPH 2016 StudioXperience will connect you with a steady stream of innovators and key executives from industry-leading companies. This special attraction features an on-site Broadcast Studio, allowing attendees to see listen in, view, and - at times -...

Meet SIGGRAPH 2016 Keynote Speaker: Z. Nagin Cox

Meet SIGGRAPH 2016 Keynote Speaker: Z. Nagin Cox

SIGGRAPH is honored to have NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA JPL) Spacecraft Operations Engineer, Z. Nagin Cox, as our SIGGRAPH 2016 keynote speaker. Mirroring the 2016 theme of “Render the Possibilities,” Cox’s body of work and experience has no limits. She has...

The Studio at SIGGRAPH 2016: Explore the Virtual Made Physical

The Studio at SIGGRAPH 2016: Explore the Virtual Made Physical

The Studio at SIGGRAPH 2016 will explore altered reality, the virtual made physical, and creations that cross these spaces. Open every day of the conference (24–28 July in Anaheim, CA), the Studio gives attendees hands-on opportunities to create physical objects,...

Exhibits at SIGGRAPH 2016 – A Global Marketplace

Exhibits at SIGGRAPH 2016 – A Global Marketplace

The Exhibition at SIGGRAPH 2016 has attracted leading companies from around the world that showcase cutting edge innovations in computer graphics and interactive techniques. A truly global representation of exhibitors will be on hand 26-28 July in Anaheim to talk with...

Enjoy the Appiest of Hours at SIGGRAPH 2016

Enjoy the Appiest of Hours at SIGGRAPH 2016

Battle Z © 2016 Fangwei Lee, Realiteer Corp. Akshay Agarwal is the SIGGRAPH 2016 Appy Hour chair and sat down with us to share the latest developments. SIGGRAPH 2016 (S2016): What is Appy Hour? Akshay Agarwal (AA): Appy Hour is a program at SIGGRAPH 2016 where...

Virtual > Reality: VR Village at SIGGRAPH 2016

Virtual > Reality: VR Village at SIGGRAPH 2016

​Immersive and Interactive Procedure-Training Simulator for High-Risk Power-Line Maintenance © 2016 Eduardo Zilles Borba, Marcio Cabral, Andre Montes, Olavo Belloc,Marcelo Zuffo: Universidade de São Paulo As the premier conference showcasing cutting-edge computer...

Careers Start (and Grow) at SIGGRAPH

Careers Start (and Grow) at SIGGRAPH

As the premier showcase of computer graphics and interactive techniques, SIGGRAPH 2016 brings together a highly-talented and multi-disciplined audience from around the globe. . Networking opportunies abound, including at social events, through Birds of a Feather...

Highlights: SIGGRAPH 2016 Courses

Highlights: SIGGRAPH 2016 Courses

Image credit: Geometric and Discrete Path Planning for Interactive Virtual Worlds © 2016  Marcelo Kallmann, University of California, Merced; Mubbasir Kapadia, Rutgers University SIGGRAPH 2016 attendees can expect to discover the computer graphics and interactive...