"Visual History with Choson Dynasty Annals" © 2016 Chung-Ang University Imagine. Create. Innovate. Share. These are the words that jump to mind when I think about the artists, scientists, designers, and engineers whose scholarship is at the intersection of research,...
Explore Your Creative Side: Art at SIGGRAPH 2016
12 May 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Design, Research
© 2016 Misha Rabinovich, University of Massachusetts Lowell SIGGRAPH is the premier event for showcasing the cutting-edge research and innovation that drives computer graphics and interactive techniques, and the Art Gallery and Art Papers programs are designed to...
SIGGRAPH Art Gallery Unveils Event Line-Up
31 July 2011 • by ACM SIGGRAPHArt, Graphics, Interactive Techniques
The SIGGRAPH Art Gallery released its line-up for events during conference week. The theme for this year is "Tracing Home" and the following is Mona Kasra's [the SIGGRAPH 2011 Art Gallery chair] vision statement for the content: "In the era of networked technology,...
Ernest Edmonds on the History of Art at SIGGRAPH
11 January 2018 • by Ernest EdmondsACM SIGGRAPH, Art, Conferences, Industry Leaders
photo by John Fujii © 2017 ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award Chair Sue Gollifer (right) and Ernest Edmonds (left) 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of Leonardo, The Journal of the International Society of the Arts, Sciences and Technology (MIT...
Take A Tour of the SIGGRAPH 2013 Art Gallery
22 July 2013 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Graphics, Visual Effects
SIGGRAPH 2013 Art Gallery Chair Victoria Szabo from Duke University, takes you on a high-level tour of this year's art exhibition in Anaheim The Art Gallery’s 2013 theme, XYZN: Scale, draws attention to a key critical affordance of computer-based authorship: the...
SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 10 – SIGGRAPH, Leonardo, and the Future of Art
22 December 2017 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Conferences, Design, Industry Leaders, Research
To celebrate the “generations” of SIGGRAPH and Leonardo/ISAST, Danielle Siembieda (Managing Director, Leonardo/ISAST) sat down with an expert panel to discuss Leonardo’s history with the SIGGRAPH conference, its upcoming 50th anniversary and where the future of art —...
SIGGRAPH Unveils 2012 Art Gallery: In Search of the Miraculous
7 June 2012 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesArt, Graphics, Interactive Techniques
SIGGRAPH 2012 Art Gallery: In Search of the Miraculous presents exceptional digital and technologically mediated artworks that explore the existence of wonderment, mystery, and awe in today’s world of mediating technologies and abundant data. Of the nearly 400...