SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 14 – Gaming & Interactive with Kim Libreri, Jerry Rees, and Joji Tsuruga

by | 20 April 2018 | Augmented Reality, Gaming, Industry Leaders, Interactive Techniques, Real-Time, Virtual Reality

SIGGRAPH 2018 Real-Time Live! Chair Jesse Barker (software developer, Unity Technologies) sits down with gaming and interactive innovators Kim Libreri (CTO, Epic Games), Jerry Rees (creative lead – Magic Bench, Disney Research), and Joji Tsuruga (realtime supervisor, The Mill). The group talks about the latest trends and what’s next for computer graphics technology, including the importance of real-time production. Plus, listen through the end to hear their expert advice for the next generation of creators. For information on each of their recent projects, check out the following resources:

  • The Mill and Epic Games Push Real-time Boundaries With ‘The Human Race’ (ACM SIGGRAPH Blog)
  • Disney’s Magic Bench makes augmented reality a group activity (New Atlas)
  • Ninja Theory and Epic Games Talk Hellblade and the Future of Real-Time (ACM SIGGRAPH Blog)

Listen on SoundCloud below or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.

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