
Oculus Rift

Honoring History Through Immersive Technology in ‘The Book of Distance’

Honoring History Through Immersive Technology in ‘The Book of Distance’

Blending family archives and VR technology, “The Book of Distance” takes audiences through one man’s journey using spectacular storytelling.

SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 11 – Technology Talk with Steven LaValle and Ben Malouf

SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 11 – Technology Talk with Steven LaValle and Ben Malouf

For SIGGRAPH 2018, we're all about exploring the "GENERATIONS" and history behind our community. What better way to do that then by letting the experts speak for themselves? In this all-new podcast, Emerging Technologies Chair Gerry Derksen and Studio Chair Nik Aberle...

The Evolution of ‘WOW’

The Evolution of ‘WOW’

I will never forget that Christmas morning when I got my very first real-time graphics interactive system. It was an Atari 2600 and as soon as the long metal power switch was flicked to the "on" position, my jaw dropped. All I could say was “WOW.” I was enchanted by...
