
Nico Gonzalez

The Evolution of ‘WOW’

The Evolution of ‘WOW’

I will never forget that Christmas morning when I got my very first real-time graphics interactive system. It was an Atari 2600 and as soon as the long metal power switch was flicked to the "on" position, my jaw dropped. All I could say was “WOW.” I was enchanted by...

SIGGRAPH 2014 to Demo Latest Real-Time Advancements

SIGGRAPH 2014 to Demo Latest Real-Time Advancements

The SIGGRAPH 2014 Real-Time Live! program will present a 90-minute show of the most cutting-edge real-time work from the past year. Real-Time Live! is part of the Computer Animation Festival and is the premier showcase for the latest trends and techniques for pushing...
