“Baba Yaga” creators and storytellers Larry Cutler, Eric Darnell, Nathanial Dirksen, Justin Fischer, and Amy Tucker of Baobab Studios discuss the technology behind the project.
Larry Cutler
SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 17 – Independent Storytelling & Innovation
20 July 2018 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Conferences, Film, Industry Leaders, Production, Virtual Reality
In an all-new episode of SIGGRAPH Spotlight, SIGGRAPH 2018 Production Sessions Chair Emily Hsu (associate producer, Blizzard Entertainment) sits down with a panel of independent creators in production and animation to chat about what led them to go “independent.” The...
How Baobab’s ‘Bonfire’ Used AI to Make You, the Viewer, Matter
16 September 2019 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAwards, Conferences, Film, Industry Leaders, Virtual Reality
Learn how award-winning interactive VR/AR animation studio, Baobab Studios, created its latest, most impressive project to date, “Bonfire.”
5 Questions with Baobab Studios on ‘Crow: The Legend’
9 August 2018 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesAnimation, Conferences, Film, Graphics, Industry Leaders, Interactive Techniques, Production, Virtual Reality
"Crow: The Legend" © 2018 Baobab Studios As contributors to both the SIGGRAPH 2018 Production Sessions and Virtual, Augmented & Mixed Reality programs, Baobab Studios’ creative visionaries behind "Crow: The Legend" know a bit about storytelling. Larry Cutler...