
Computer Games

SIGGRAPHITTI Issue 3: Emerging Technologies, Art Papers, Production Sessions, and Industrial Light & Magic’s 40th Anniversary

SIGGRAPHITTI Issue 3: Emerging Technologies, Art Papers, Production Sessions, and Industrial Light & Magic’s 40th Anniversary

Light Pattern © 2015 Daniel Temkin SIGGRAPHITTI is the official newsletter for the North American SIGGRAPH Conference, an annual five-day interdisciplinary educational experience of the latest computer graphics and interactive techniques. Sign up to receive...

Q&A with SIGGRAPH 2012  Games Chair Naty Hoffman

Q&A with SIGGRAPH 2012 Games Chair Naty Hoffman

Naty Hoffman - the 2012 Games ChairFollowing is a brief conversation with Naty Hoffman, the SIGGRAPH 2012 Games Chair and Technical Director at Activision, regarding games and SIGGRAPH 2012. Please check back later this week for an article summarizing all the game...

SIGGRAPH 2012 Showcasing Advancements in Real-Time Graphics

SIGGRAPH 2012 Showcasing Advancements in Real-Time Graphics

SIGGRAPH Real-Time Live! is the premiere showcase for the latest trends and techniques for pushing the boundaries of interactive visuals. A series of 10 international jury-selected submissions will be presented in a fast-paced, 90-minute show of cutting-edge,...
