We’re bringing the SIGGRAPH 2019 juries to you starting with Darin Grant of Animal Logic.
Animal Logic
Careers Start (and Grow) at SIGGRAPH
14 June 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesBusiness, Conferences, Students
As the premier showcase of computer graphics and interactive techniques, SIGGRAPH 2016 brings together a highly-talented and multi-disciplined audience from around the globe. . Networking opportunies abound, including at social events, through Birds of a Feather...
Regional Snapshot: Computer Graphics in North America
3 March 2017 • by ACM SIGGRAPHACM SIGGRAPH, Augmented Reality, Emerging Technologies, Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visual Effects
photo courtesy Jessica Sommerville by Jessica Sommerville This is the second installment in the regional snapshot series. In the previous article we focused on the current state of the Computer Graphics Industry in Australasia.This article explores both current trends...
SIGGRAPH Student Volunteers: Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
14 April 2016 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences, Students
In this three-part series, SIGGRAPH Student Volunteer (SV) alum and guest blogger Jessica Sommerville looks at how the SIGGRAPH SV program has shaped the professional lives of some of its alumni. JESSICA SOMMERVILLE I truly believe that SIGGRAPH and more specifically...
Regional Snapshot: Computer Graphics in Australasia
27 October 2016 • by ACM SIGGRAPHACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences, Graphics
by Jessica Sommerville, ACM SIGGRAPH International Resources Committee member One of things that I love about attending the SIGGRAPH Conference each year is the coming together of like-minded people from all over the world. SIGGRAPH creates a global environment and...