SIGGRAPH 2014 Releases Mobile App Game (SMAG)

by | 9 August 2014 | Graphics, Mobile, Software

Go big or go home! The SIGGRAPH Mobile App Game (SMAG)  is a mobile-enhanced persistent game that allows you to collect achievements throughout the SIGGRAPH 2014 Conference. Using your  iOS  or Android  mobile devices to scan QR markers using the SIGGRAPH Mobile App wherever you see them in the Vancouver Convention Center, from your fellow attendees’ apps, and in sessions. Have fun and meet people as you make your way towards becoming one of this year’s big winners!

Here are  five solid reasons to get everyone (you, attendees, random strangers on the street) excited:

1.  SMAG has 127 (and counting) achievements to complete! This means that you won’t run out of things to do, even on the last day of the conference. You can chase a mad scientist, carry secrets passwords, catch a golden snitch(!), or find a wandering Guardian of the Galaxy on the conference floor.

2.  You can earn points just by being involved in the conference! Our goal is to promote great content and projects – attendees will be gaining points just by:

  • Participating in the International Center’s NoirMaker: Escape from Vancouver;
  • Playing SIGGRAPH Caching, a clue-based treasure hunt that will happening concurrently on the conference floor;
  • Exploring with RTL’s AR App and searching for RTL’s Behind-the-Scenes content;

3.  We are also promoting everybody’s venues and projects, such as:

  • Studio’s Drawing Contest;
  • The Back-to-Back CAF/How To Train Your Dragon 2 Screening;
  • The World Record Attempt;
  • And many more! You can even earn points just by registering or buying a cup of coffee!

4.  You can win prizes just by participating! Thanks to the help of friends and sponsors, we have a variety of prizes that be available throughout the week that may be available through a variety of means.

  • You may not be the top scorer, but you can still win an elusive RenderMan teapot, mysterious grab bags, and SIGGRAPH memorabilia just by playing!
  • If you are a top scorer, you could win an S2015 Full Conference Registration, a copy of SIGGRAPH Encore, and many more!

5.  You can challenge yourselves intellectually! With our timed trivia challenges, you can earn points from identifying technical papers/concepts, pop culture references, and general geekiness!

Will you be this year’s winner? Get a headstart and scan the QR marker above, and check out our documentation page for all the achievements and prizes available.

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