The SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival is the annual festival for the world's most innovative, accomplished, and amazing digital film and video creators. An internationally recognized jury receives hundreds of submissions and presents the best work of the year in...
SIGGRAPH 2011 Game Industry Content Summary
19 July 2011 • by SIGGRAPH ConferencesGaming, Graphics, Real-Time
The following is a roundup of all content at SIGGRAPH 2011 originating from the game industry as compiled by Naty Hoffman, SIGGRAPH 2011 Game Development Community Director from Activision Studio Central. From Naty, "Please note that this content originating from the...
SIGGRAPH Game Content Revealed: Part III
11 July 2011 • by ACM SIGGRAPHGaming, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Real-Time, Visual Effects
Following is the final entry of a three-part series focusing on game content that will be featured at SIGGRAPH 2011. This is a conversation between Naty Hoffman (pictured at the right) and ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter Reporter Mariebeth Aquino. Naty Hoffman is a Technical...
SIGGRAPH Gaming Content Revealed: Part Two
6 July 2011 • by ACM SIGGRAPHGaming, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Real-Time, Visual Effects
Following is the second entry of a three-part series focusing on gaming content that will be featured at SIGGRAPH 2011. This is a conversation between Jason RM Smith (pictured at the right) and ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter Reporter Mariebeth Aquino. After successfully leading...
SIGGRAPH 2011 Gaming Content Revealed
5 July 2011 • by ACM SIGGRAPHGaming, Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Real-Time, Visual Effects
Following is the first entry of a three-part series focusing on gaming content that will be featured at SIGGRAPH 2011. This first entry is a conversation between Drew Davidson (pictured at the right) and ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter Reporter Mariebeth Aquino. Drew Davidson is...