
Studio Talks

Between Two ‘Feuding Cities’ Lives Transition Spaces

Between Two ‘Feuding Cities’ Lives Transition Spaces

By Gerry Derksen Transition spaces in the context of the “city” are central to the Studio concept at the upcoming SIGGRAPH 2016 conference. The spaces that form between the virtual and the physical world blur and change as we construct and demolish in a game we are...

Learn Insider Secrets, Experiment with New Technologies in the SIGGRAPH 2014 Studio

Learn Insider Secrets, Experiment with New Technologies in the SIGGRAPH 2014 Studio

The SIGGRAPH 2014 Studio, 10-14 August at the Vancouver Convention Centre, presents an exciting array of Talks, Courses and Projects that demonstrate the latest advances in technology. The Studio offers a collaborative working environment where attendees can come...
