
Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques

SIGGRAPH 2014 Registration Now Open!

SIGGRAPH 2014 Registration Now Open!

It's Time to Register! SIGGRAPH 2014 is returning to Vancouver this summer and we can't wait to see you there! Register now and meet us at the Vancouver Convention Centre 10-14 August for the Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques event of the year. Where else...

Q&A with SIGGRAPH 2014 Chair Dave Shreiner

Q&A with SIGGRAPH 2014 Chair Dave Shreiner

In 2014, SIGGRAPH returns to Vancouver, British Columbia Briefly describe your past experience as a SIGGRAPH volunteer and what motivated you to serve as the SIGGRAPH 2014 Conference Chair. I’ve been a long-time contributor to the SIGGRAPH Courses program – I’ve...

New Program: SIGGRAPH 2012 Seeks the Latest in Mobile Graphics – SIGGRAPH Mobile: Call for Participation

For the past 40 years, SIGGRAPH has provided attendees with access to the most cutting-edge advances in computer graphics and interactive techniques. As the breadth of technology continues to expand its reach, SIGGRAPH continuously adapts its program to ensure...
