On the heels of receiving 2019 ACM A.M. Turing Award honors, the computer graphics community reflects on pioneers Ed Catmull and Pat Hanrahan.
2 April 2020 • by Theresa-Marie RhyneACM SIGGRAPH, Animation, Industry Leaders
On the heels of receiving 2019 ACM A.M. Turing Award honors, the computer graphics community reflects on pioneers Ed Catmull and Pat Hanrahan.
2 April 2015 • by Theresa-Marie RhyneACM SIGGRAPH, Art, Graphics, Research, Theory
When the Macintosh and Lisa Computers were introduced by Apple Inc. in the early and mid 1980s, it was my good fortune to be a programmer analyst and long range planner with the Center for Information Technology at Stanford University. My day job involved exploring...
5 December 2019 • by Theresa-Marie RhyneAnimation, Data, Graphics
Theresa-Marie Rhyne recaps the premiere conference on scientific visualization (SciVis), information visualization (InfoVis), and visual analytics (VAST).
24 September 2015 • by Theresa-Marie RhyneACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences, Data, Interactive Techniques
Image: Projected detailed visualization of a digital atlas created by Theresa-Marie Rhyne, 2015. Courtesy Theresa-Marie Rhyne Today, we often use step-by-step navigation software like Global Positioning Systems (GPS), instructions from web sites like Map Quest, or our...