Learn, Experiment, and Interact With Labs

by | 14 February 2023 | Conferences, Education, Interactive Techniques, Research

photo by Andreas Psaltis © 2022 ACM SIGGRAPH

Why hear about it when you could experience it? The SIGGRAPH 2023 Labs program is filled with the most innovative technologies and allows participants to get their hands dirty while attending the conference. Filled with the most advanced computer graphics innovations, the program creates a unique experience for presenters and participants alike. Contributors will gain the opportunity to teach their latest techniques in this hands-on classroom in Los Angeles, 6–10 August.

To give you an inside perspective of what we’re looking for, SIGGRAPH 2023 Labs Chair Courtney Starrett shares key areas to include in your Labs submission.

What We’re Seeking

The SIGGRAPH 2023 Labs program is on the hunt for installations and hands-on classes that appeal to varying levels of expertise and bring an element of participation and fun. To help you figure out which format your submission would fall under, take a look at our comparison below.


Allow participants to engage directly with your hands-on creation in Los Angeles. Your virtual or physical display of the latest technology will provide participants with takeaways to bring home to their own creation. (Please note, one person must be present at all times during the conference.)

Hands-on Class

All hands-on classes have specific and well-defined learning objectives. With only an hour to share your research, your class will be supported by having participants preload applications or content on their device or to have gathered a short list of materials. Plus, it provides the opportunity to interact one-on-one with participants to answer any questions and showcase how to correctly use your technology. (If your class is supported by having participants preload applications or content on their own devices, or to have gathered a short list of materials, please make this very clear in your submission.)

Topics of Interest

  • Interactivity and engagement with virtual or physical displays
  • Practical or experimental techniques in experience design
  • New ways computer graphics and interactive techniques support adaptive technology to aid people in their day-to-day lives
  • Demonstrations of the use of handheld, wearable, or remote devices that explore relationships among the body, data capture, feedback, and usability
  • Demos from research projects — and code walkthroughs of same
  • 3D worlds design, including the processes, production, content generation, concepts, or strategies in 3D imaging, gaming, or wearables
  • AR/VR design tools and their application in interaction, usability, and playability relationships
  • Manufacturing technologies, including 3D printing and other techniques from the next wave of manufacturing technology
  • Audio and music software, hardware, and hacks at all levels
  • Small-scale electronics and technology projects and circuit bending that foster interactivity

Submit Your Innovative Technologies

Make the finishing touches on your learning objectives and presentation, because Wednesday, 22 February is your final opportunity to submit to the SIGGRAPH 2023 Labs program. Submissions should be designed to engage and teach while producing a digital result. They also may take the form of a tutorial exercise that you will lead. Successful project submission will include our core four attributes:

  • Innovative
  • Particpatory
  • Collaborative
  • Core

Potential submissions include, but are not limited to, working details from the Technical Papers, Art Papers, or other SIGGRAPH 2023 programs; discussions about prototyping and design in practice; use of AR/VR design tools; adaptive technology; digital sculpting and modeling workflows; interactive drawing tools; and more.

You are running out of time! Keep your calendar up to date with all of SIGGRAPH 2023 program submission deadlines so you don’t miss your opportunity to present at our 50th conference celebration.

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