SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 52 – Emotions in VR

by | 18 February 2022 | Conferences, Research, Virtual Reality

From left to right: Michael Gaebler and Niloy Mitra

In this episode of SIGGRAPH Spotlight, SIGGRAPH 2022 Technical Papers Chair Niloy Mitra (professor of computer science, University College London) sits down with Dr. Michael Gaebler, a cognitive and neuroscientist for the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in the department of neurology’s Mind-Body-Emotion Group and MindBrainBody Institute. Tune in to learn more about the effect of virtual reality on emotion through the lens of Michael’s recent research paper, titled “Decoding Subjective Emotional Arousal From EEG During an Immersive Virtual Reality Experience.” Plus, discover what VR research trends are on the horizon. 

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About Our Guest

Michael Gaebler is a cognitive and neuroscientist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in the department of neurology’s Mind-Body-Emotion group and the MindBrainBody Institute. He studies how mental processes, like thoughts or feelings, relate to brain-body and especially brain-heart interactions in pathology and health. Gaebler conducts psychophysiological and neuroimaging studies in classical lab-based experiments but also uses more naturalistic setups like ambulatory assessment and virtual reality.

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