Where Does Your Research Fit?

by | 20 January 2022 | Conferences, Research

Image inspiration: KnowYourMeme.com

Whether your research touches more of the art or science side of computer graphics and interactive techniques, there’s likely a place for it (and you) at SIGGRAPH. However, we recognize that that place might seem unclear from time to time. With submissions open for SIGGRAPH 2022, we felt compelled to offer a quick overview to help you understand which research fits in which program. May the odds be ever in your favor!

Art Papers

2022 Theme: Art + Tech Relocations

photo by Kyle Espeleta Photography © 2017 ACM SIGGRAPH

SIGGRAPH Art Papers emphasize imagination, speculation, and critique as means to discover new paths for artistic and technological exploration beyond industrial applications. Accepted in both Short (max. 2,500 words) and Long (max. 3,500 words) formats, submitted papers should interrogate the place of technology in the arts, and the place of the arts in a technological society. Submissions exploring how computer graphics and interactive techniques relate to questions of race, indigeneity, gender, and the environment are particularly encouraged.

Accepted papers are included in a PACMCGIT special issue on the conference. In addition, Art Papers video presentations are published in the ACM Digital Library.

Deadline: 21 January

photo by Susan Nagib © 2019 ACM SIGGRAPH

Experience Hall Programs

Experience Hall programs, like Emerging Technologies and Labs, will often feature demonstrations of developing, innovative technologies that tie back to active research posters, papers, or projects. A majority of these demonstrations will be presented in-person in Vancouver for SIGGRAPH 2022, though there will be opportunities to present virtually for those stand-out submissions unable to participate in-person due to economical, geographical, physical, or other limitations. If you have a prototype of a new technology or another method of physically presenting your research results, your project might just fit in the Experience Hall.

Deadlines: 22 February

photo by Dina Douglass © 2019 ACM SIGGRAPH


Best for in-progress research that is not quite ready for publication, the SIGGRAPH Posters program offers an interactive forum for the presenting students, researchers, artists, enthusiasts, and practitioners to discuss their work, receive feedback, inspire and find inspiration from others (all in the name of new ideas … and networking!). The ideal Posters submission expresses a novel and applicable idea in a simple, concise, and visually appealing manner.

Deadline: 26 April

Technical Papers

photo by Jim Hagarty © 2019 ACM SIGGRAPH

The SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program is the premier international venue for disseminating and discussing new scholarly work in computer graphics technology and interactive techniques. The scientific excellence of the ideas is the predominant acceptance criterion. This year, there are two ways to submit a paper to the program, which we’ve broken down below. The review process, deadline, and committee are the same for both Journal and Conference Papers.

Journal Papers

The Journal Papers submission format follows what researchers have come to expect from SIGGRAPH, specifically:

  • Continuation of the same Technical Papers program from previous years
  • Ideas are extensively tried and tested
  • When submitting use the “acmtog” article style
  • No maximum (or minimum) page length
  • Published in ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)

Conference Papers

A brand-new opportunity for 2022, Conference Papers encourages submissions of high-quality, ground-breaking research that fits within a strict set of criteria:

  • Exciting new ideas in a shorter format – papers that might be less polished but still have an impact
  • When submitting use the “acmtog” article style
  • Double column, 7 pages, excluding references; any appendix should only be included as supplementary material
  • Published in SIGGRAPH Conference Proceedings

Deadline: 27 January

Looking to submit a completed project to SIGGRAPH 2022? Check out the many other conference programs accepting submissions here.

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