Research Preview: SIGGRAPH 2018 Art Papers

by | 12 April 2018 | Art, Conferences, Design, Production, Research, Visual Effects

Image credit: “Augmented Fauna and Glass Mutations: A Dialogue Between Material and Technique in Glassblowing and 3D Printing” 
© 2018 City University of Hong Kong

Artists, theorists, historians, and researchers alike submitted their contributions to the SIGGRAPH 2018 Art Papers program, and we are thrilled to offer a preview of a few of the highly anticipated papers that will be presented in Vancouver:


Augmented Fauna and Glass Mutations: A Dialogue Between Material and Technique in Glassblowing and 3D Printing (pictured above)

Tobias Klein, City University of Hong Kong

The two presented artworks, Augmented Fauna and Glass Mutations, were created during an artist residence at the Pilchuck Glass School. They are examples of the qualities and methods established through a synthesis between digital workflows and traditional craft processes and thus formulate the notion of Digital Craftsmanship.




Alienating the Familiar with CGI: A Recipe for Making a Full CGI Art House Animated Feature

Alex Counsell and Paul Charisse, University of Portsmouth

This paper explores the process of making and funding an Art House feature film using full CGI in a marketplace where this has never been attempted. It explores cutting edge technology and production approaches, as well as routes to successful fundraising.


Entropy and FatFinger: Challenging the Compulsiveness of Code with Programmatic Anti-Styles

Daniel Temkin

Coding reinforces a compulsive thought process, as described by Joseph Weitzenbaum. Two projects by the author, Entropy (2010) and FatFinger (2017), challenge this through gestural approaches to code. In Entropy, data decays the more often it’s used. FatFinger encourages the coder to type code and strategically guesses the programmer’s intent.


Experience the research in the Art Papers program in-person by registering to join us in Vancouver this August! Register by 22 June to receive the early registration rate.

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