Revisiting Past Programming… ACM SIGGRAPH YouTube Highlights

by | 13 May 2022 | ACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences, Education

Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

Since 1949, May is Mental Health Month in the U.S. None of us is a stranger to workplace stress, which is a major contributing factor to mental health. If taking time for yourself to learn something new contributes positively to your mental health, we’re here for you with a roundup of the most popular educational videos on the ACM SIGGRAPH YouTube channel. Read on to find one that piques your interest.

1. Deep Learning: A Crash Course (2018)

Andrew Glassner presents a course on deep learning, a revolutionary technique for discovering patterns from data, and demonstrates how the technology works and what it offers to computer graphics.

2. Physics and Math of Shading (2016)

Physically based shading models are increasingly important in both film and game production. In this course, Naty Hoffman provides an introduction to the topic, describing the underlying physics and showing how it relates to the mathematical models used for shading.

3. Introduction to Ray Tracing (2021)

In 2021, the SIGGRAPH 2021 Frontiers program hosted a 7-part, hands-on webinar series led by Rajesh Sharma and featuring guests on a week by week basis. Catch the first class below and the rest of the series via this playlist.

4. Introduction to DirectX Raytracing (2018)

This course is an introduction to Microsoft’s DirectX Raytracing API, suitable for students, faculty, rendering engineers, and industry researchers.

5. Invent the Impossible With Marco Tempest (2020)

SIGGRAPH 2020 welcomed Marco Tempest — Director’s Fellow at the MIT Media Lab, creative consultant at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, extended reality lead consultant for Accenture, and founder and executive director of magicLab in New York City — as its keynote speaker. In his virtual presentation for SIGGRAPH 2020, Tempest combines mixed reality, storytelling, gestural sensing, and swarm robotics to give participants a glimpse of a delightful augmented future right now.

Take more time for your own learning and professional development when you register for SIGGRAPH 2022, to be held this summer both virtually and in person in Vancouver.

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