Meet our Partners, an Overview

by | 28 May 2019 | ACM SIGGRAPH

photo by Andreas Psaltis © 2018 ACM SIGGRAPH

As a thriving international leader in computer graphics and interactive techniques, ACM SIGGRAPH maintains standing committees of volunteers that provide valuable input into various segments of the organization.

One of these committees is the External Relations Committee, which is in charge of strengthening ties and collaborating with organizations within the computer graphics industry and other industries and communities that intersect with computer graphics.

The partners

Forging new ties between ACM SIGGRAPH and the global computer graphics community has been vital to our mission to continue to move forward and evolve. We are very proud to have  built relationships with each of the following successful organizations and/or conferences:

Digital Content Association of Japan (DCAJ)

DCAJ is a government-approved non-profit organization that promotes the creation, distribution, and use of high-quality digital content in Japan. This is essential to the current information society, encouraging the healthy development of digital content-related industries, and improvement of culture. Every year, DCAJ hosts its Digital Content Expo (DCEXPO) during which the most recent innovations in digital content and technology are exhibited. Thanks to our agreement, an exchange of contributions between DCEXPO and SIGGRAPH takes place every year within the Emerging Technologies venues.

Spark Computer Graphics

Formed in 2008, originally as an arm of the Vancouver ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter the Spark Computer Graphics (Spark CG) Society has been working behind the scenes of Vancouver’s computer graphics community, organizing and hosting events (SPARK FX and SPARK ANIMATION) that foster community, ignite the imagination and advance technology.

Laval Virtual

Throughout its 20-year history, Laval Virtual has become an indispensable catalyst and facilitator for organizations in VR/AR or immersive technology. The conference takes place annually in Laval, France. And, thanks to our agreement, an exchange of contributions between Laval and SIGGRAPH takes place every year.


FMX is a major European conference on animation, visual effects, game development, and immersive media. At it, creators share insights on the latest in production/development, and present cutting-edge tools and pipelines, fascinating real-time technologies, and innovative business models. FMX is held in Stuttgart, Germany every spring, and is organized by one of the world’s leading animation and VFX schools, Animationsinstitut der Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Society for Information Display (SID)

The SID is comprised of the top scientists, engineers, corporate researchers, and business professionals in the display industry, valued at over $100 billion annually. The organization was formed in 1962 to promulgate display technology. That work continues today, publishing a monthly journal, Information Display magazine, and an annual “Digest of Technical Papers” that is presented during the Display Week Symposium and Exhibition.

ISEA International

Founded in the Netherlands in 1990, ISEA International (formerly Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts) is an international non-profit organisation fostering interdisciplinary academic discourse and exchange among culturally diverse organisations and individuals working with art, science, and technology. The main activity of ISEA International is its annual International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), which began in 1988. The next ISEA event will take place in Gwangju, Korea at the end of June.

IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (IEEE VGTC)

Visual computing encompasses a wide field of research and practice in visualization and computer graphics, and each is represented by its own VGTC conference: visual analytics (VAST), information visualization (InfoVis), scientific visualization (SciVis), virtual reality (VR), augmented and mixed reality (ISMAR), visualization of large and big data (LDAV), visualization of biological data (BioVis), 3D user interfaces (3DUI), and mixed topics on visualization and computer graphics (PacificVis and EuroVis).

VIEW Conference

VIEW Conference is the premiere computer graphics event in Italy, and covers topics like digital cinema, 2D/3D animation, VR, AR, gaming, and VFX. Held annually in Turin, Italy, VIEW focuses on exploring the increasingly fluid boundary between the real and digital worlds. Through lectures, meetings, tributes, exhibits, screenings, and demo presentations, VIEW reveals the new digital frontier from cinema to architecture and automotive design to medicine, and so much more. The exhibition floor, which houses VR installations and a recruitment fair, is free to access.

Brazilian Association of Visual Technology

The Brazilian Association of Visual Technology organizes VFX Rio, which brings national and international specialists in production/effects and entertainment to Brazil. In its latest iteration, the three-day event featured more than 20 lectures and workshops, and was sponsored by TV Globo, Foundry, and Intel, in partnership with Nvidia and ACM SIGGRAPH. Local institutional partners completed the support to such international event.

Computer Graphics Arts Society (CG-ARTS)

CG-ARTS, officially recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology in 1992, is a publicly funded body dedicated to promoting Japanese computer graphics education. Its projects range from drafting curricula to the development and publication of teaching materials, nurturing instructors, and providing certification tests.


Eurographics, a European professional computer graphics association, supports its members in advancing the state of computer graphics and related fields, such as multimedia, scientific visualization, and human-computer interfaces. Through a worldwide membership, Eurographics maintains close links with developments in the U.S., Japan, and other countries, and promotes the exchange of scientific and technical information and skills on a global scale. Eurographics 2019, its 40th annual conference, took place from May 6–10 in Genoa, Italy.

For information on how to become an ACM SIGGRAPH affiliate, or to volunteer for the External Relations Committee, contact the ACM SIGGRAPH External Relations Chair.

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