Voting, Volunteerism, and Value

by | 30 April 2015 | ACM SIGGRAPH, Conferences

Volunteer. Connect.

Volunteers are the heart of ACM SIGGRAPH

It is that time of year again when ACM SIGGRAPH members are asked to vote for our elected Executive Committee (EC) members. In mid-April, members were sent a unique 10-digit code via email. You can still use this PIN to CAST A VOTE until June 1st

It is also the time when the Nomination Committee is accepting candidate submissions for open EC positions as well as open standing committee Chair positions. Nominations are being accepted for the volunteer positions of Chair of the Education Committee and  Chair of the Information Services Committee. If you are interested in either of these positions, please contact the Nominations Chair, Scott Owen.  Applications are due May 1, so there is still time to submit your name. The chairs will be selected by mid-May, and will begin three-year terms on September 1, 2015.


You may ask why voting and volunteerism are important. The candidates elected for the EC or chosen as a Chair of a standing committees are the voice of the community for three years. These people shape the direction the organization and the Conference will take over their tenure. It is important to have candidates who have a passion for the organization, want rewarding volunteer opportunities, and have innovative ideas. If those qualities describe you, please look into open opportunities.


There are many reasons to join a professional organization. ACM SIGGRAPH, in particular, provides an opportunity to serve, mentor, and be part of a rich community. Our organization offers discounts on conferences, amazing networking opportunities, the best professional development in the industry, and a community which is a support system for many of us.

But members stay engaged because they feel the value of membership is synergistic to their future goals. Membership also supports some unique programs and initiatives:

  • Awards program – ACM SIGGRAPH presents five awards to recognize exceptional achievements in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Award winners are nominated by their peers, and the each application is vetted by a committee to find the best of all the qualified candidates. All five awards will be presented this year during the Keynote Session at SIGGRAPH 2015, and each award winner will speak at a special session where they will share their journey.
  • Pioneer Mentorship Program – Since 2003, we have invited local high school students to come and experience SIGGRAPH with a “mentor” to help them navigate the Conference.  Often times, mentors will get as much out of the program as the students they are mentoring. To experience the sense of wonder of SIGGRAPH through the eyes of a student who is about to embark on a career in the industry is life changing for both parties.  If you are interested in volunteering for this program, we are looking for mentors!
  • Professional and Student Chapters – With Chapters numbering over 60, there are opportunities worldwide to attend special events throughout the year. They provide top-notch programs from industry leaders, special screenings of the Computer Animation Festival, Bring Your Own Animation events, and Art shows, to name just a few.  Each community is unique and has its own special perspective on our mission to promote excellence in computer graphics.
  • Digital Arts Community (DAC) – ACM SIGGRAPH embraces artists and their contributions to the community.  An important part of our continuing support of the community is an online social network. “Enhanced Vision – Digital Video” is an international survey of today’s most exciting and innovative digitally-enhanced video art works, and will be available after May 1st.

These are only a few of the many outreach opportunities that your membership supports.  We encourage you to get involved with the greater ACM SIGGRAPH community and find enhanced value in your membership. Visit our volunteer page or register for SIGGRAPH 2015 (or other events) and connect with your fellow members in person.


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