Become a Student Volunteer at SIGGRAPH 2024

by | 22 February 2024 | Conferences, Education, Students

photo by Andreas Psaltis © 2023 ACM SIGGRAPH

Student Volunteers are at the core of the SIGGRAPH conference. This diverse, inclusive, and motivated group of students and young professionals is the start of the next generation of computer graphics and interactive techniques. While supporting the conference, Student Volunteers gain unique insight to the latest in technology and innovation; meet and learn from professionals, creators, educators, visionaries, and fellow students; and receive an enriching, career-building, and often life-changing, experience.

Preparing for and applying to be a Student Volunteer at SIGGRAPH 2024 involves several key steps and considerations. The chair of the SIGGRAPH 2024 Student Volunteer Program, Gabrielle Robinson, has prepared the following questions to consider when applying for the Student Volunteer program!

Why do you want to be a Student Volunteer?

You might want to consider this: Why would you want to be a Student Volunteer instead of going to the conference as an participant? How would your experience differ in each of these two scenarios? As a volunteer, you help the conference run and make sure things go smoothly. Why are you interested in volunteering in that capacity instead of attending the conference as a regular participant?

If you were a SIGGRAPH 2024 participant, what would you expect from a Student Volunteer?

Imagine you are walking around a big convention center, running late, stressed out, unsure of where to go. What kind of person would you want to help you? Someone who is disinterested, on their phone, and avoiding others? Or a friendly face, eager to help you out? By putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, you can understand why being a Student Volunteer is so important. You can directly affect people’s experiences at SIGGRAPH!

How do you interact with those who are different from you?

SIGGRAPH Conferences attract people from all over the world, and the conference prides itself on being a welcoming space for all. As a Student Volunteer, you need to be able to comfortable helping all different kinds of people, including those who may be culturally different from you or speak a different language. By being able to connect with people different from yourself, you will be a kinder and more patient Student Volunteer and person!

How do you handle stress?

People handle stress in all different ways. Do you spring into action? Plan carefully then move forward? Plow through and hope it will all work out? At SIGGRAPH, you will need to deal with stressful situations. Luckily, you will have lots of support!

What makes you excited about SIGGRAPH?

What are you looking forward to most at the conference? Think about your passions and what really makes you tick. That’s what makes you special! Your application essay should reflect you as a person, so try to represent yourself as best as you can through your writing.

Ready to join our ranks?

We know the application process can be a little daunting, but don’t worry! Just be yourself and let your personality shine through. Most of all, we want to know what makes you you! We cannot wait to receive your application by Monday, 4 March. Best of luck!

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