SIGGRAPH Asia Goes Hybrid – Submit Your Best Work to SIGGRAPH Asia 2021

by | 13 May 2021 | Conferences

Photo of a Technical Papers session at SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 in Tokyo International Forum, Japan.

SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 invites you to submit your best work and innovative ideas for the 14th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques this 14–17 December in Tokyo, Japan.

Your latest research and cutting-edge technologies form the bedrock of knowledge, inspiration, and immersive learning within the computer graphics and interactive techniques community. Join hundreds of fellow scholars, creative practitioners, and industry professionals to elevate industry standards and inspire new generations with your amazing work.

Given the current climate, we would like to assure all submitters that your work (if accepted) will still be published in the Digital Library regardless of whether the physical event will be able to take place. We are optimistic and are currently planning towards a physical event in Tokyo, Japan; however, in event that the virus situation does not improve and/or travel restrictions are still in place, we will make it possible for you to present your work virtually.

Alongside the conference programs, we are also calling for the next generation of professionals to come forward and volunteer at SIGGRAPH Asia 2021. Be an integral part of the SIGGRAPH Asia ecosystem, and gain exclusive event perks, insights, and networking opportunities!

Don’t miss the chance to shine at Asia’s largest computer graphics event!

Visit for more information.

Important Submission Deadlines

All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by a highly experienced and qualified jury, comprised of top scholars and practitioners from a plethora of specializations. All submission deadlines are strictly adhered to. Click on the respective programs below for more information on their submission deadlines, processes, and requirements.

Submission DeadlinePrograms
20 May 2021Technical Papers (22:00 UTC/GMT)*
27 June 2021Courses
15 July 2021Art Gallery
Emerging Technologies
XR (Extended Reality)
17 July 2021SV Team Leaders & SV Productions (SVP) Team
1 August 2021Computer Animation Festival
11 August 2021Technical Communications
Real-Time Live!
(Open for submissions for the first-time in SIGGRAPH Asia’s history!)
14 August 2021Student Volunteers
2 October 2021Birds of a Feather
To be confirmedDemoscene

*The submission time for all deadlines is 23:59 UTC/GMT, except Technical Papers.

Help spread the word and share the programs poster with your school, institution, or network.

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