Careers Start (and Grow) at SIGGRAPH

by | 14 June 2016 | Business, Conferences, Students

Job Fair at SIGGRAPH 2016

As the premier showcase of computer graphics and interactive techniques, SIGGRAPH 2016 brings together a highly-talented and multi-disciplined audience from around the globe. . Networking opportunies abound, including at social events, through Birds of a Feather sessions and on the exhibit floor. One of the best ways for attendees to network and improve their career options is through the SIGGRAPH 2016 Job Fair, produced by CREATIVEHEADS.NET. Over the course of three days (26-28 July at the Anaheim Convention Center) opportunities abound for new and seasoned professionals working in the creative industry to meet with recruiters from leading companies.

Over 80 percent of the Job Fair booths have already been reserved and companies in attendance to date include: 2K, Animal Logic, Axis Animation, Blizzard Entertainment, Brown Bag Films/9 Story Media, Cat Daddy Games, Digital Domain, Double Negative Visual Effects, Esri, Firaxis Games, Hangar 13, IGT, Ilion Animation, Legend3D, Method Studios, NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences, Picture Shop, Pixar Animation, Snapchat, Sony Pictures Imageworks, Space X, The Third Floor, Visual Concepts and Weta Digital. For employers and job-seekers alike, the SIGGRAPH 2016 Job Fair is the best place to find professional success within the creative industry.

With over 20 Job Fair exhibitors connecting with 5,000 + job seekers, there are an unlimited number of reasons to put the Job Fair on your Must-Do list at SIGGRAPH.

Employers can:
• Reach an extremely diverse and experienced group of creative professionals working across multiple creative industries.
• Hire “right-brain” talent from SIGGRAPH 2016.
• Extend the reach of job openings, projects, and participation at SIGGRAPH 2016 to millions around the globe through the online Job Board.

Job seekers can:
• Look for a new job with premier companies from around the world.
• Network to see what opportunities are available.
• Get acquainted with recruiters from companies leading the industry.
• Broaden horizons or discover new industries in which to grow.
• Get career development tips.
• Learn more about the latest computer graphics and interactive techniques from leading companies.

Prepare for this world-class recruiting event now – Job Fair Exhibitors will post their jobs on the and ACM SIGGRAPH job boards a month prior to conference, allowing attendees to connect with employers before the conference. You can view the Job Fair Directory here. Job Fair booths are still on sale, so employers can review complete package details and reserve your booth today.

We look forward to seeing everyone in Anaheim to network among the best and the brightest in computer graphics and interactive techniques.

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